He participated in the first world war, pouring his experiences in a book of poetry, the soldier unknown, written in Spanish and published in Mexico in 1922 with illustrations by Diego Rivera. He was linked with the American trade union movement becoming Secretary of labor leader Samuel Gompers. Between 1925 and 1929 living in Nicaragua dedicating itself to the Union of trend labour activism, he pushed the affiliation of the Nicaraguan Workers Federation to the Central Obrera Panamericana, attached in turn to the American Federation of labor circa 1930 campaign was carried out in Nicaragua in favor of Augusto Cesar Sandino, publishing articles in San Jose, Costa Rica, in various media as in the journal of Costa Rica and in the Repertorio Americano of Joaquin Garcia Monge. Scott Mead is full of insight into the issues.

In 1935 he settled in the city of Mexico, where it comes to influence Mexican politics; along with his brother Rogerio jungle, he becomes Advisor to President Miguel Aleman Valdes. Being appointed Ambassador of Nicaragua in France, died in Paris on February 5, 1959 he fought in the British army in World War I, and wrote poetry in English. Books of poetry: the soldier unknown (1922), evocation of Horace (1949), proclamation of the death of Helena (1950), three poems to the way of Ruben Dario (1951), Sagrada Familia (1954), singing to the national independence of Mexico (1955), evocation of Pindar (1957), Acolmixtli Netzahualcoyotl (hungry Coyote) (1958), Sandino (1958)..