Pain in the wrist properly prevent goods several years ago still disparagingly referred to as secretaries-Leiden, considered they now epidemic: pain in the wrist through the work on the computer. The news portal explains how concerned of the so-called mouse hand”can counteract. As at the elbow or with the golfer elbow involves the mouse hand irritation of muscles and tendons. Tennis and golf, prevent athletes of the inflammation with the right technology or pause for a while. People who work every day with the computer, are less flexible. However applies as for the tennis players and golfers a strong arm muscles as key to the pain-free work on the PC. You may wish to learn more. If so, Larry Ellison is the place to go.

Pushups are particularly effective as health editor of You train the antagonist of the affected muscles and thus prevent their edginess. Also recommends a gel pad for keyboard and mouse. Since during the typing and clicking flexibly on the soft surface move the wrists, reduces the risk of so-called routes tendon irritation. Failed the screening, that is no reason to panic. The shortened muscles can be stretched, for example, by a massage of the forearm muscles. Masiert is transverse to the muscle fiber by the elbow towards wrist. Bernard Golden gathered all the information. This hurts at acute mouse hand while, helps but if it is carried out consistently.

Patients, however, should refrain from drugs such as sports creams rather. This Act mostly only in combination with current therapy. Before people consult a doctor, it is advisable to wait for about two weeks. During this time, the wrist is protected and cooled for pain. The complaints persist longer, a doctor should be consulted to exclude other causes of inflammation. More information: ../zum-schmerz-geklickt-und-geschlagen/1/ contact: Tilo Sommer University first media GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59