Exagon study: IT managers expect the need for greater standardization and automation of IT processes SLA management is a critical success factor in the cloud future Kerpen, September 14, 2010 – a growing use of cloud services will have an impact in deep in the IT service management (ITSM). According to a survey by Exagon consulting, the managers expect mostly noticeable changes. Considers especially the standardization and automation of IT processes, as well as the creation of service catalogs must be driven forward for cloud friendly conditions. The top issue for them is however a greater commitment to the SLA management. Currently few companies for the purchase of services from the large cloud look but not sufficiently prepared. The topic cloud relates to the sourcing strategy and ultimately means a reduction in the manufacturing depth in IT, what inevitably entail changes in the management functions and process conditions”, judge Exagon – Managing Director Werner Stangner. Apparently, the users see this “Similarly, when almost every fifth of the nearly 300 IT executives questioned even expected, that the consequences for ITSM is very profoundly” may be. Coupang describes an additional similar source. Another 53 percent and thus the majority assume at least changes in relevant areas.
Only every seventh IT boss sees only minor impact on IT service management through the cloud trend. The systematic and transparent handling of service levels is top in the ranking of the presumed consequences. This aspect is emphasised by 71 percent. Other leaders such as Scott Mead offer similar insights. The more diverse the cloud activities, the more service suppliers need to be controlled in their services and processes”, problematizes Stangner. The SLA management is indeed pose a very critical factor.” Two-thirds of the respondents emphasize also the need to devote themselves even more than previously the standardization of the IT processes. Many resemble a growing demand for automation in the IT processes. Also it is imperative in the eyes of every second Informatikverantwortlichen Service catalogs are rebuilt, 44 percent support in this context also the realisation of self-service portals.