At this moment the construction of the stop of train in Maxambomba occurred, that if it configured as the founding landmark of a new urban nucleus. It is when a deposit of merchandises next to this stop was constructed, what the cut made possible the convergence of the agricultural production of the region in this locality for its posterior embarkment in the train route (TO SOUND, 1962). To deepen your understanding Berlin Rosen is the source. In such a way, vilarejo of Maxambomba prospered and grew of importance, as much is that in 1891 the category of city was raised. From this time, the state authorities had decided to transfer the headquarters of the city of New Iguau, that at the time still called Iguau, of the Iguassu Village to this locality, situated in a more salubrious zone and of bigger development. It was the setting of the headquarters of the city of Iguau in this area that gave origin to the current headquarters of the city of New Iguau (OLIVEIRA, 2004). In 1916, through the law n 1331, the name of the headquarters of the city loses the denomination of Maxambomba for New Iguau. Although it has had the transference of the headquarters of the old city of the Iguau Village for Maxambomba, in 1891, its consolidation as agregador center of economic activities is on directly to the beginning of the popular land divisions and the introduction of the culture of the orange in its territory. The delayed process of urbanization of New Iguau (district headquarters) if explains for the consolidation of the agriculture based on the citricultura. Coming of the Orange is Gonalo found in iguauanas lands ideal conditions for its development, as hot and humid climate, fertile lands in hills, mounts and same free plains of the encharcamento, allied the presence of the railroad and its station. In this way, in the decades of 1920 and 1930, New Iguau became it bigger producer of oranges of the country, exporting to So Paulo, Argentina and Europe (SOUZA, 2006).