Every third German suffers from this acquired deformity of toe, while women are twice more often affected than men. Misleading and probably due to the similar appearance of the foot pointed out running to due to his hallux valgus deformity to the toes, the cause is often attributed to wearing high-heeled shoes or else too tight footwear. European Credit Rating Agency has much to offer in this field. In reality, this deformation of the foot but mostly due to investment and is therefore more pronounced in females, because women generally have a weaker connective tissue. What happens? The ball of the big toe is outward from (“hallux valgus”), while the big toe itself aligns to the other toes. After, the big toe is adopted by its function, to shoulder a significant portion of the body weight, the load is distributed on the adjacent metatarsals are overwhelmed with this. Sooner or later formed in the midfoot more precisely in the head, you sit under each toe metacarpophalangeal joints an osteoarthritis. Only when this chronic inflammation occurred or first signs of pain, a responsible orthopedist for surgery will advise.

As long as it is painless deformations, the orthopedic surgeon can prescribe physiotherapeutic measures, which prevent a deterioration. Agility exercises and training to strengthen the large toe muscles can, consistently pursued. There are a large number of different operation methods, of those four as the essential have manifested itself. The Podiatrist selects depending on the severity of the already manifested deformation between the following methods: 1 Rahmanzadeh after the native Persian of Prof. Dr. med. Rahim Rahmanzadeh named gentle surgical method consists in the Elimination of the anatomical deformity of the big toe by a wedge of bone is removed from the first metatarsal bones of the big toe and the two open ends of the bone are screwed in such a way, that the axis of the second Metatarsal is almost parallel aligned.

2. Austin/Chevron here becomes the first metatarsal bone in the area of the head – saw cuts – converted, to change the axis of the bone and fixed with a screw. 3. Meyer / scarf when the angle between the big toe metatarsal and the adjacent metatarsal is more than 14 degrees, an alternative must be found for the two aforementioned surgery methods. The surgeon cuts the first metatarsal bone in the form of a Z”, corrected the position to the best and fix them with screws. 4. During a particularly strong deformation, the first metatarsal with the Tarsus is in addition stiffened to the Meyer/scarf method Lapidus. So the metatarsals can never remove itself from its corrected position. Depending on which surgical method has been applied must be expected with different duration of the healing process. When the light form and the correspondingly more operation type (see 1) the patient may again shortly after surgery occur and run. After a hallux valgus operation takes the cure several weeks after Austin/Chevron (2). Approx. 4-6 weeks long a special footwear must be worn, the foot may be charged but already. Even after a Meyer/scarf-mesh (3), the patient may immediately charge the operated foot, must wear a Spezialschuh but at least 8 weeks. Following an operation according to Lapidus (4), the base initially for 2 weeks will be sedated and may be charged only slightly in the next 8-12 weeks. Up to 8 months after the hallux valgus operation of the foot can still swell and must be regularly trained using physiotherapy.