Save gasoline is currently more important than ever! Since the oil crisis in the 1970s there has been no situation more, in which save gasoline in public opinion a comparable importance taken has as it is today. Be it for cost reasons, in the face of constantly rising gasoline prices, unless the environment for the sake, their burden with CO2 and particulate matter in a specific ratio to the spent fuel is – there are very good reasons to pay attention to a low fuel consumption and thus actively to save gasoline. In the course of the climate and environmental debate the energy among save today the central forms of behaviour that are rightly expected by consumers. The saving of fuels contributes important and central here. When it comes to buying a new car, the power consumption should play a fine role in the decision.
It also not be the three-litre car, so the range of consumption-optimised vehicles is to include the issue of fuel consumption with large enough. It is important also, the motor regularly, at least once a year, in a specialist workshop optimally set to allow. In connection with the use of a fully synthetic light run oil can be sure so that the consumption of the vehicle not gradually increased. Very great importance in relation to the consumption of a vehicle comes to the driving style. Only who merely adjusting them, can effectively save petrol. The motor should be started only if seats and mirrors are adjusted and the driver wearing a seatbelt is.
You go always ahead, avoid heavy braking and rapid acceleration and drive normally rather motorcar. 2000 revolutions in the city are a good guideline. When downtime by more than 10 seconds it’s worth already, switch off the motor. When starting up only for the distance of a car length in the first and immediately shut up. Especially should be respected on electrical consumers in the vehicle, particularly air conditioning, electrically heated rear window, and electronic gadgets. They beat considerably the Fuel consumption and should only be switched on, if they are also needed. Excess baggage and other items in the vehicle, are just not needed, significantly increase fuel consumption. Who wants to save gasoline, should regularly examine the trunk on useless ballast. The same applies for roof structures, baggage or bicycle rack which should remain only mounted when they are actually needed, because they otherwise become real gasoline wasters with up to 1.5 additional liters per 100 kilometers. The air pressure may not too low cost too little, half a bar on average already 6% more fuel. Almost any driver is aware that the mileage on the first four kilometres at a multiple of the normal consumption is, some 30 to 40 liters per 100 kilometers. Who wants to save gasoline, should avoid so short-haul routes. Christian Jung