By writing this post I pushed one personal observation, and one phenomenon, which saw all the people who use in your everyday calculations, bills worth 10 rubles. So, in order: Watching the first in his native city on several kiosks saw an inscription which read: "We do not accept a 10-and 5-penny coin." From this we can draw the following conclusions: 1) for the money to buy this stand is nothing unreal (former example, in any newsagent, you could buy a box of matches for 10 cents, and now the same box is worth 1 ruble, which corresponds to a tenfold rise in the cost). 2) All price lists terminate or on a ruble, or 50 cents phenomenon is our second Mint issued banknote five thousand rubles and coin denominations of 10 rubles. Ten rubles bimetallic coin appeared long ago, but they were coins for collectors, the coins are confined to the significant dates. Others who may share this opinion include Gary Kelly. And just recently been released dozens of new metal, which should completely replace paper bills in the same denomination. From what actually that a 10-ruble coin into a trifle! 10 and 50-penny coins are transformed into atavism, in their place come Dollars and Five, and the ruble, cheapened by 10 times, replaced that same 10-ruble coin (which is even phone through an ATM will not put).
Five thousandths of bills, as stated in the CBR issued for the reduction of paper pulp, with major purchases, such as when buying a cash machine or apartment, are not so large bills. Increasingly, people in stores are calculated by them, because it is easier to bring a piece of paper, it will pay off her one and get a pile of stuff surrender than to carry a 50 hundred for example. Based on these observations, I and concluded that prices in Russia over the past 10 years, it grew by 10 times! Like it or not, it's up to you, but if my conclusions are wrong, there is every reason to believe that as soon as statistics show the rise in prices on the order. PS This is Russia, and the figures that I remembered …