Tag: environment

Sustainable World

Currently it is common to find substances that approach notice concerning the global heating, telling it speaks of scientists that they lead research, of the El Nio and the abnormality of the phenomenon. However, at any moment if it approaches the question of the main causers of the increase of the Effect Greenhouse, of the importance of the United States to sign the Protocol of half Kyoto or it humanity to brighten up the chaos that if approaches if the things to continue being presented of the form that they are. They are simple mechanized registers> that they do not reflect the magnitude of the subjects that they deal with the ambient guidelines. Most of the communication vehicles, today, is commercial companies, directed toward the profit, working its physical space in function of announcements and overwheling its content in function of the advertising, what it makes it difficult the development of the culture of the investigativo journalism in the ambient area. as the subjects is complex and demands some previous scientific knowledge, is complicated to inside work the subject of a notice. From this paradigm, the great quandary that if restores in the ambient journalism is as to produce depth substances if they can reach great anunciantes.1.3 the paper of the media in the awareness ambientalNo have more delicate problem for the environment, today, that of the communication. For the journalist Wheat Andres (2005), in its workmanship Sustainable World – Opening space in the media for a planet in transformation, the communication only can remove the questions at last, all the areas. In the same way, the necessary environment to be at the beginning and in the center of all the public politics and all the private enterprises, so that the impacts can be evaluated previously, be eliminated, minimized and have its costs attributed to generate who them, and not to all the society.

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German Ministry

With the German unification, they had been closed inefficient industries and polluting of the eastern side that was very and in such a way the governments how much the companies of Germany are not contented with the simple ones reduction of emissions. Exactly example of a Great-Britain with government and companies searching business-oriented chances in the generation and the use cleanest of the energy. Two years behind, Germany already announced to fulfill to the goal settled for the country in the Protocol of Kyoto, diminishing in 22,4% its emissions of .causing gases of the effect greenhouse, in comparison with the beginning of the decade of 1990. As official data of the German Ministry of the Environment, in 2007, Germany left to play in the atmosphere 957 million tons of carbonic gas, will have been overcome as base the emissions of the previous year. The sectors that had more contributed for the fall in the emissions had been transport and agriculture, beyond the sanitation of buildings. The constructions in Germany are certifyd in terms of energy efficiency. families in particular regimen produces solar energy in its roofs. To produce energy clean reduces the amount of emissions.

It is what Germany stimulates: many particular roofs with installations fotovoltaicas for domestic consumption and with possibility of vender the excess of production to the electricity companies. ' ' Although the sun lack, Germany obtains to amortize in about ten years investimentos' ' (JUST, 2007). Test of that not yet it is enough, of that is necessary to not only fulfill and yes to surpass goals, in Germany, had a strong increase of the emissions for production of electric energy. ' ' Kyoto is only one small passo' ' , it concludes the German minister of the Environment, Sigmar Gabriel, therefore for ' ' to fight of efficient form the climatic changes, we have to advance with wide steps.

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The Society

Generally, if it deals with areas of prompt occupation (enclaves), without consolidated urban systems and with strong entailing for it are of the region (also, for the exterior). the actions proposals for they objectify: – diversification of its productive structure, with sights to create and to keep a more steady economy and of less monocultor character; – integration, intra-regional (that is, the level of the too much territories of one same region the one that belongs) as in such a way interregional (that is, the level of the too much regions of the country). Gift must be had in mind that the diversification of the productive structure of these areas must be ece of fish in terms of a intra-regional specialization and complementaridade of the dominant regional sectors. 5.2.2? Actions of sustentation and complementation These actions are specific for the areas in expansion characterized by low levels of income and the trend of slow growth of these, for not diversified productive structures (in general, of farming character), but with a relative potential of future development. Credit: Ronald O’Hanley-2011. These actions look for to confer a bigger degree of economic support, to try to hold back the local population. This bigger support if searchs through the exploration of the regional natural resources, complemented with some primary levels of industrial processing of the same ones. 6.

WHAT IT MUST BE MADE? POINT OF VIEW POLITICIAN the series of measures, above described, not to intend that to be exhausting and absolute. It intends, so only, to be exemplificadora of what it must to be made to surpass the current standards of occupation and use of the territory, with the consequences that are perceived and felt as a type of malaise of sectorial origins. However measures as these only can be ece of fishes in practical for the State, the dimensions of resources that demand, and for the interferences that they will provoke in established interests, of the most varied natures. The Society organized and represented legitimately only withholds the conditions so that a territorial reconfiguration is taken ahead with success. this could only be made by the way politics. Therefore, the citizen would not be enough only to be conscientious and alert how much to the problems that the territory presents, its causes and solutions. Nor to only make use of an armory technician and resources of investments to implement a territorial reconfiguration and to establish new standards of occupation and use of the territory. The enrollment politician will only allow this. therefore, the POLITICAL PARTIES and LEGISLATIVE they will have, all the cost, being acquired knowledge, motivated and mobilized for on questions to the territory? not only how much to the questions politics, but also how much to the questions techniques and, mainly, the financiers.

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Federal Constitution

The improvement of flocks and to cultivate is an objective that since very folloies the humanity. Since the antiquity, the man comes searching to get the maximum exploitation in agriculture and the cattle one through different techniques, to start for the crossing between different species, until the genetic alteration of determined structures 1. Others including Gary Kelly, offer their opinions as well. With the advent of the New Law of Biossegurana 2, became evident the necessity and importance of the elaboration of previous studies of ambient impact. A priori the subject would be passive, however the Brazilian ambient culture does not find in social its arcabouo the real understanding of the subject. The new law, then, brought, amongst others nuances, an idea of massificar the referring agreement the necessity of studies of evaluation of ambient impact. The question of the trangnicos and the ambient impact that can cause has reached repercussion in enormous ratios, arriving at the national and international televising scene, being distant its total definition.

The subject arrives ambient scientific error, of another one they appear the industrial powers (as the Monsanto) assisted by a great part of the scientific community, that they desire to invest and they find in the same transgenia the chance to optimize profit and quality and to engrandecer the field of the research. In the half term of all this situation appears the Government, that in way to the misunderstandings internal politicians, it searchs to adjust the quarrel and to guide the best ways of resolution of determined conflicts. Seen the necessity new clarifications to the public to be presented who acts (or he possesss mere interest) in the Ambient area are that the gift is useful. Aspects of the New Law of BiosseguranQuando if speak in transgenia, then it is necessary to become aluso to the new Law of Biossegurana, fact this that places the subject as of importance of security> principle of the precaution, principle this, also, awarded in the Federal Constitution of 1988, that in art.

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The Curiosity

To the adepts the tourism provokes a positive impact very, believes that it helps to eliminate differences, making possible it lends survival of the societies and an increasing intellectual understanding. In against departure the critics they argue that great number of the tourists in its trips, leaves its ways and its moral in house, looking for exotic places far from house and them social restrictions, and its behaviors can vary completely in the trips. The perception of the tourism kept for the local residents to modify if throughout the time is not uncommon, and to express this sequence and the time during which the social values if modify, Lage et al (2000) cites the index of irritation level or irridex, concept formulated for Doxey, believing that this resultant manifestation of the contact between the tourist and the receiver, cannot completely be prevented, therefore in last instance anger to destroy the tourism unless it is kept under control. Irridex has covered four levels of reaction, on the part of receiving population, the euphoria, apathy, annoyance and the antagonism. In the initial phase the visitors and the investors well are come euphorically, for the promise of economic benefits and same for the curiosity. Also in this period of training, the receiver can become accessible and positive linkings can be kept, later to the population start to understand its economic dependence, they are apticos when they perceive that they had been absorbed by the activity, and nor more they withhold the control or they are consulted on the environment and its destination, when they become if apticos, the contact between the visitors and the community passes to be lead in a base of payment for service, the human agents become annoying and disappointed. Later the tourists are seen and estereotipados as chupins or teething rings of the good things, the receiving population start to express doubts, being born then the antagonism. .

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The crisis dried the liquidity excess and provoked a rain of bankruptcies in the sector. About 50 plants still they are in judicial recovery, since 2008. No signalling of retaken of the investments and yes a general inhibition in the industry is not seen. Beyond the investments in new plants to have if become scarce, had additional stimulaton for the production of sugar in detriment of the alcohol, in function of the high greater of international prices of last the thirty years. Lawrence Ellison is the source for more interesting facts. The volume of worn out sugar cane, that on average grew 10% to the year of 2000 the 20008, started to grow about 3% from now on, with investments concentrated in merger and acquisitions and not in the construction of new plants. On the other hand, new actors had emerged of the crisis: company solid had grown and traditional groups of the agroindstria areas, oil and chemistry had entered with force in the market of etanol. Another decisive factor of this market is the disequilibrium in the politics of prices of the gasoline and etanol, in detriment of this last one. Under the excuse of inflationary containments, the government subsidizes the vendida gasoline to the refineries for R$1,54, exactly value charged since September of 2005.

The value of the barrel of oil suffered many oscillations in this period, but etanol was emparedado. First for the artificial freezing of the price of the gasoline; later for the increasing costs of production; finally for its proper ceiling of competitiveness, that esbarra in 70% of the price of the gasoline to be advantageous. To get worse this scene, climatic problems as rain excess in 2009, estiagem in 2010 and frosts located in 2011 had harmed the productivity of the last harvests of sugar cane. Etanol is an agricultural product and suffers with abrupt climatic variations, with direct consequences in the volatileness of its prices.

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Industrial Center

Inside of these investigations of the impacts in the control or ambient management of the space of the great cities one places problematic it of Salvador and region metropolitan with the changes of the industrial focus of the inhabited zones or of possible real estate exploration for region of Atlantic Bush as it occurred with Industrial Center of Aratu (CIA). This question became emblematic with the formation of islands of social exclusion and the production of a space where the local power has each time little participation, with the taken decisions being, to the times, in a even though transnational level. The transnationalization of the capital it directly influenced the ambient question of form that Milton Saints, speaking on ' ' redescoberta' ' of the nature &#039 affirms qu; ' In the current phase, where the economy if became mundializada, all the societies had finished for adopting, of more or less total form, more or less explicit way, a model only technician who if overlaps to the multiplicity of natural resources and human. in these conditions that the mundializao of the Planet unifies the Nature. Ann Maynard Gray follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. (…) unified for history, in I benefit of firms, states and classrooms hegemnicas' ' (Saints, 1992, pp. 97-8). The Paradigm of sustainable cities passed to be argued with bigger depth from Agenda 21, taken off in the Conference of United Nations on Environment and Development carried through in the city of Belm in the state of Par in 1992, where if it established the question of the human nestings and advance of the industry in special, as ambient problem, considering that, in the turn of the century, the majority of the population will be living in the cities. Existing problems already in the social agenda had been incorporated, as of the provision of sanitation and the habitation, with the inclusion of goals for the ambient support by means of the adoption of appropriate technologies.

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The Analysis

Also other residues that sobram of the constructions. Checking article sources yields Confluence Investment Mgmt LLC as a relevant resource throughout. To minimize the residues of civil construction it is basic to have a professional of the area to more guide on technologies and constructive methods adjusted for each situation, preventing wastefulness and contributing for new applicabilities with a lesser amount of residues that will have to be the surplus. In this in case that it is important also to make the separation of the residues (glass, paper, metal, entulhos, plastic). These leftovers can still be reused in cooperatives that still use to advantage this material preventing the pollution of the environment and generating job and income. 3 QUESTIONS NORTEADORAS From the technological innovations are possible to construct houses with recycled material; The use of recycled material in the construction of houses can save expenses; Recycled material as substance cousin in the construction of houses can generate a bigger ambient balance; The exploitation of residues and other substances can diminish the volume of organic and inorgnico garbage.

4 4,1 OBJECTIVES GENERALITY To investigate the use of recycled material in the construction of houses and habitations. 4.2 SPECIFIC? To identify that types of recycled materials can be used in the construction of houses and habitations; To know recycling techniques that can help in the construction of houses and habitations; To contribute for the debate between theoreticians and researchers of the subject; To discover that types of materials can serve of substance cousin in the recycling for the civil construction of new houses and habitations. 5 METHODOLOGY This work will be developed using it strategy of the empirical research, making possible the analysis of the subject considered from the analysis of different authors and diverse bibliographical sources. The bibliographical research will assist in a reflection on the different perspectives of the construction of houses with recycled material. From the collection of the data the analysis will be made that will lead to the interpretation of the searched subject.

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The Use

Logically this denotes peculiar a economic chain: production? consumption? economic growth, that is extreme consumption reduces natural resources did not renew. (CASAGRANDE, 2004) ' ' Sucintamente: to be sustainable, a system of production, use and consumption have that to go to the meeting of the demands of the society for products and services without disturbing the natural cycles and empobrecer the natural capital. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Foundation for Financial Planning. This means in first place to reduce drastically the use of the environmental resources (must basically be based on resources renewed, minimizing the use of those did not renew? also air, the water and the land? preventing the garbage accumulation and resduos.' ' (MANZINI, 2008 p.24) the use of resources you renewed becomes today total necessary. If it cannot think about support if all its projetao and enterprise will be come back to the use of sources not-renewed or with low tax of recycling. The preservation and awareness must start in the plane table. The area of performance of design graphical in which more it suffers this type of problem says respect to the production of packings. Get all the facts and insights with Verizon Communications, another great source of information.

Redesign of its packings of form is common to notice some companies worried in generating one to reduce the ambient impact of the same. According to Manzini (2008, p.24) the project in design has basic paper in this question since the choice of biodegradveis materials or that the same one can be recycled in its bigger part until the projection of future use on the part of the consumer in reaproveitar the packing thus giving a new purpose. But how much if it must change amongst the thought of drastic reductions in the use of substance cousin and ways of production? She is necessary to carry through marketing studies and to invest in a new speech of marketing so that it has a balance enters the necessity of the consumption and the ambient and social support.

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Communication Programs

From then on, the agencies of the federal, state and municipal government had started to create its legislaes and norms disciplining the operations of the enterprises in its diverse sectors. Process that walks to devagar but, however, is responsible for great modifications in the behavior of the industries and the consumers. It appears, then, the necessity of if investing in the ambient management so that the organizations have the control preventing passive futures as fines or accidents that can re-echo of negative form in the image of the company. One of them pillars of the ambient management are the communication programs. Sanchez (2006) characterizes the communication programs as more important complements of any program of ambient management, the most admitted for the companies, however, less the most understood, a time who frequent are confused with programs of public relations to vender new products. The communication programs they act searching to inform the public opinion on the activities and ambient programs, to the time, listen to the opinions and perceptions of the population regarding this performance. Thus ' ' they construct the image of empresa' ' , as it ahead affirms Sanchez (2006) of 4 the interested people.

Although Sanchez (2006) to consider that the programs of ambient communication do not possess relation with action advertising executives, when saying that has an image construction assumes the use of the ambient marketing as tool, not necessarily to vender a product, but, becomes evident, that if vende an image. E, on the other hand, other economic instruments had been created to influence the behavior of coherent form directed toward efficient resulted ambient goals aiming at on the rational consumption of the scarce resources. Nuances between the communication and the ambient marketing, well is defined through the responsible technological development for the magnifying of the medias and of diversification of the available medias, influencing the behavior of the consumer, when verifying that the ambient image of the company.

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