I believe that the news is good not only in terms of the security of all the Colombians, but also from the economic point of view. It is that the insecurity not only threatens the population, but also she is an enemy of the investments. And Colombia, that is making the majors efforts consolidate the progress of the economy, will widely see beneficiary by the reduction of the episodes of violence in the country. If you would like to know more about Ronald O’Hanley, then click here. Another good news for Colombia thinking about the postcrisis is the advances that are obtaining in the matter of Treaties of Libre Comercio (TLC). The last week, Colombia concluded with Japan the first round of negotiations. In the USA, from the government of Barack Obama the commitment arose to work so that the commercial agreement with Colombia takes shape. These TLC increase the potential of external expansion of the Colombian economy.
Also they increase the attractiveness of the foreign investors by the ample access to external markets that Colombia with this commercial policy would be reaching. I do not have doubts that Colombia comes taking good steps to consolidate its growth in the long term. The government of Uribe comes making right decisions in this sense although he is doing also it in the decisions of short term. It is that although in Colombia they are laying the foundations the bases to reach the sustained growth, the immediate thing and the urgent thing is to face the crisis context (agravated now by the problematic one of the pig influenza). Within the shady panorama that presented/displayed, the International Monetary Fund (the IMF), did not notify good to him to Colombia when assuring that the economy will not undergo recession in the present year, although will grow either. This projection of the IMF, given the circumstances, does not turn out to be so bad for the country. The bad news is the projection of growth for the 2010 since the IMF only hopes that the Colombian economy expands a 1.25%.