‘ A tree for the pension. Forest finance from Bonn sells shares in organically farmed tropical forests ‘ “the business idea came to Harry Aboagye, when thinking about his own retirement. “Mid-1990s the former journalist and environmental activist had to create a smaller sum of money” writes the Bonner General-Anzeiger and continues: he opted for a rather unusual variant: Assenmacher flew to Panama and bought three acres of land, which he planted with tropical trees there. ” Assenmacher has not remained faithful to the business principle according to the Bonner General-Anzeiger today but more investors as entrepreneurs. “Around 4,000 hectares of tropical forest maintains its forest finance company based in the northern town of Bonn ().”Investors can participate in the forests is about various products”explains the General indicator and runs:”Profits come primarily from timber harvesting, but also from climate protection payments through the certificate trading.” The full article have nature due to relatively long maturities guidance of afforestation investments and FSC certification is at goo.gl/mjZ5j to the homepage of the General-Anzeiger offers investors security.

Therefore, it is very important for investors to select most reliable contractors. Forest Finance offers 16 years tropical forest experience including a fire insurance, post-warranty planting, harvest community, property damage liability insurance and in addition 5% safety areas. Forest finance is one of the few forest investment providers with an FSC certification (No. SW-FM/COC-005337). The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international non-governmental organization established to the target the conservation of forests through environmentally sound and sustainable management.

To do this, the FSC has developed a world-wide valid label. Only, who annually allocates the strict criteria of the FSC responsible forestry compared with an approved certifier, may carry the seal. “” Forest finance also received so far only company the FSC Global Partner Award “in the field of financial services”. The General-Anzeiger Bonn: The General-Anzeiger is a regional daily newspaper for the city of Bonn, the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, and the district Ahrweiler. The General-Anzeiger with nine regional editions will appear with 80,000 sales copies. Already in 1725, the Publisher of General-Anzeiger as court printing house was founded in elector of Clemens August of Leonhard Rommerskirchen. As a “General indicators” the newspaper appears for 123 years. 2010 the General indicator has the first place in the prestigious Guardian Award of German newspapers for the series about the World Conference Center Bonn”award. About ForestFinance: The Bonn ForestFinance specializes in forest investments group, the lucrative return link to environmental and social sustainability. Customers can choose between various products of certified tropical forestry. Rain forests will be protected through the sustainable afforestation of pasture, CO2 for decades bound and newly created species-rich forests. The BaumSparVertrag planted twelve trees per year for a monthly savings contribution of 33 euros or unique 360 euros. The yield forecast is 5 percent to 9.5 percent, see the WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 of tropical forest with a buy-back guarantee. “” Annual income offer excellent CacaoInvest “and GreenAcacia”, only seven forest investment as a future project.