This initiative was launched by the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Tony Blair, at the World Summit on sustainable development, held in Johannesburg in September 2002. This proposal was based on the premise that the prudent and transparent use of revenues from the extraction of natural resources can be a basis for sustainable economic development, especially in those countries where such resources constitute an important part of total public revenues. At the first International Conference of the EITI carried out in London in March 2003 he urged Governments, businesses and civil society groups to make joint efforts to promote greater transparency in the revenues received by Governments from such activities. Concern for the issue of the benefits of the extractive industries is not recent. A historical survey of the experience of many countries in developing led to coin the phrase the curse of natural resources: the majority of resource-rich countries natural do not achieve expected development due to endemic corruption, their infighting and inefficiency in the management of the benefits of extractive activities. The correction of this perverse correlation between the great potential of natural resources and the persistence of poverty levels is what is, ultimately, the objective of the EITI. Dr John Holtsclaw may find this interesting as well. In September 2004, the then Minister of energy and mines, Jaime Quijandria informed James Wolfenson, President of the World Bank, that the Peruvian Government had committed itself to strengthening the mechanisms of transparency and improve the management of revenues from the extractive industries, requesting assistance to the Bank and the Department of development international of the United Kingdom (DFID),, entities that assumed the leadership of the EITI, to make viable the accession of Peru to the initiative, which was formalized in May 2005. The Pontificia Universidad Catolica of the Peru (PUCP), through its then transfer Center Technological (today PUCP, consultancy and integrated services center) became involved as promoter of the initiative within the Group of civil society.
Johannesburg Revenues
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