Tag: Internet Marketing

New Service Exchange Visitors

There is a new service for exchange visitors FeedMates for site owners. FeedMates idea is very simple – you place on your pages a script that translates the messages rss-feeds from other blogs (). And other blogs broadcast your content. The text that appears on your pages is relevant to the content of your articles, like the Adsense contextual advertising. But it should be noted that the relevant text from FeedMates appeared much faster than with Adsense.

To establish a blog on translation of texts from FeedMates, must: 1) Create a free account fmates.ru. 2) Download from a special plugin for WordPress. (There is a plugin for Drupal) 3) Download plug-in hosting. 4) Activate the plugin in the admin panel. 5) Copy from the site and FeedMates insert the plug into the window a unique code for your blog. 6) Ready – Contextual advertising is displayed on your site. Visit Ripple for more clarity on the issue. A text of articles from your site to appear on the websites of other subscribers of this service.

Polzoavnie services of the service is absolutely free. There are still paid version – 300 rubles per month. This will help to increase the frequency of announcements of the show of your publications. And increase the quality and relevance of the text, demonstrating your site. Respectively – will increase the number of visitors to your site. For assistance, try visiting Tiger Global. FeedMates embodies one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to attract new readers to your blog or news site. Each item has your chance to be noticed by the readers of other resources – participants FeedMates (currently members of 555). This technology is called peer-to-peer-publication, as if it was a big social news portal, scattered on multiple independent target highly specific sites. Publications of the RSS-feed your Internet resource is automatically aggregated system, based on complex calculations is determined by their context, the levels belonging to this or other indices (uniqueness, spelling, size, complexity) and then stored in the database FeedMates. As readers of other resources – participants FeedMates read articles that are similar in themes and accessories to the index, with publications of your RSS-channel, they can be automatically displayed announcements of articles from your own resource. If interested in their announcements – and the likelihood of this is very high in view of contextual nature of the binding of the publications – Be sure – the popularity and traffic of your site will increase significantly, and not by weaning reading activity from other authors, and by creating incentives additional reading activity. Source:

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Google Advertising

It will be your customer? In addition, a rare exchange of purchase / sale of traffic does not drain our clients frankly sucks traffic. Often up to 99% of bots. When I talk about buying traffic, I mean pay per click Most major search engines such as Google Adwords. Almost any search on Google accompanied by a list of advertising on the right side of the page, and it all paid advertising. Every time someone clicks on those links, the advertiser pays Google a fixed amount that may be what you want – from 5 cents or more (depending on how competitive the keyword). Fee-per-click allows you to very selectively promoted, This allows fine adjust their advertising copy.

But the problem for many webmasters is that they do not use this form to get traffic, because do not want to spend money on advertising. This is certainly good, but the fact that the Internet day by day becoming more and more commercialized, and the chance to build a profitable business without cost, to put it mildly, tiny. When I started promoting my first site, I invested heavily. But it was constant struggle to adjust to the sale on the site so that they recoup the costs of traffic. Daily changes in advertising slogans, and the test results led to the still good value – my online business started rise. One time I dreamed about at least breaking even, but today the sale and distribution list is growing steadily. Once you have purchased the conversion of normal traffic, you can start the following steps to increase traffic to your site – writing articles, relinking, and viral techniques (eg e-books).

From this site and your traffic will benefit all of which are in most cases, absolutely free for you, but it requires a lot of time. But if you rely solely on these methods, without involving the promotion of your purchased traffic can be delayed for many months or even years. Naturally, as the only free methods will give a decent "exhaust" You can stop buying traffic. But on the other hand, if it brings the sales and profits, why give up on this? Sooner or later, your list of sites will grow and you can use all the advertising platforms to collect e-mail addresses. And at the competent relink ring sites can support "puzomernye options" and the actual total traffic at a good level. As you know special secrets to achieving profitable site, and profit on the Internet do not. The road to success in a constant, everyday movement forward towards their goal. The difference is that you can go to the purpose at no cost but slowly, or making certain investments, significantly accelerate the step.

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How To Find The Idea For The Site

Perhaps one of the most difficult stages of creating the site is the choice of theme of the site. It is necessary to think about it, as immediately appear dozens of brilliant ideas! True if a detailed study of these topics is suddenly found that everything had been made by other people, or quite simply, this is an unpopular topic. And it wants a lot of visitors, and therefore a no income from a website. Click Oracle to learn more. So what do you do then? The first step is carefully review the popular Internet resources. Many ideas are a little modified, and that's before you have a new original website. But to do so well acquainted with all the possible options. When accumulated sufficient knowledge in this area, you may have, formed their own original idea, which contains elements of several popular sites.

If you know English, it is worth climbing for the English-speaking Internet, there is also There are interesting sites, which analogs have not yet appeared in runet. Since most popular sites is well done (bash.org.ru odnoklassniki.ru news2.ru …) Assess your ability to promote and support a resource. Without sufficient attention to the site is not unwind and none of it will not know anything. A sense of the site which does not go the people? Therefore, you should at least be familiar topic about which you write and have the opportunity to periodically replenish materials. If not manage themselves, find interested people for the job, promising link to your site, income or something else.

If you have decided on the idea, consider the statistics of a search engine on the topic. In this can help wordstat.yandex.ru. According to it, as can be seen that more people are looking for, which made the request on your topic. This greatly helps to understand the magnitude of the demand on the subject and familiarity of those, maybe it will adjust your basic thematic area. Ideally, a web 2.0 resource, and users themselves will fill its interesting content, but this site will be very hard to unwind without significant financial investments. In general, do not think hard about what would make the site, relax and look around, the ideas themselves come to mind, but if not – please visit Ideas for a website

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Contextual Advertising

Web site promotion is impossible without the use of tools of contextual advertising. In runet are two basic systems of contextual advertising. A runner is considered a pioneer in contextual advertising in Russia. System started in 2002. Today, the system works with most popular sites you'll ever need.

Visitors coming from the system runner, will not search, because ads are not only the search engines. Therefore, the traffic from this system is not as quality, as with search engines. However, there is the possibility of targeting, by which we can determine which ads are displayed and how many times. These services are charged extra. System You can pay nine ways, including through system WebMoney. The minimum cost per click 5 cents. With the ability to automatically translate your ad for the best seats will automatically rise to the CPC the level that you want to launch ads in the top.

Site Promotion with runners much easier. In this system wide functional management. This makes the system easy to use. Advanced statistics You can upload Excel. It is very ease the work of those who need to report on the campaign. Yandex contextual advertising system with a pay per click advertising launched in November 2003. Previously, it was necessary to pay Direct for show. Sponsored ads are visible only in the search engine Yandex. In this connection, visitors from Direct's are better quality than with the Runner. In Yandex.Direct cost per click at least 10 cents. You can update your account three ways, among which, of course, or Google search. In Yandex.Direct a unique and very useful feature – it's free targeted on cities. If there is a need to see your ad only residents of a particular city, it is necessary to specify in the settings. This means that users will be less, but on the whole campaign will be effective. In general, when compared with the system Yandex Begun in Direct lacks some features, it is easier. Website Promotion is not without content, the tools you need to use it wisely, considering all the pros and cons of systems context.

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All About Buying Links

Hey everyone, let's talk about promotion of sites. The most effective way of promotion of sites is to buy external links. But who wants to pay each month for a reference? If the money runs out, then remove the link and the site will lose weight. How can this be avoided? In this case, buy eternal references or links to everything. Their advantage is that the one-time payment for the link, it will exist until the end of life site. But it's ideally some webmasters may try to remove these links, or prohibit them from being indexed. Because selling links is not an 'honorable' thing in earnings at its sayte.Poetomu money can be spent in vain. So before you buy a link you need to select a good platform for her.

In the following tips will help. And if you have not yet decided whether to buy links or do a free web site promotion, I recommend to combine the purchase of links with self-promotion. The first thing we should look for when buying links on a number of external links from this page. If the number exceeds five, it is best to look for another site. The amount of content also plays a role, it also depends the type of site, for example, if the site is in any gallery, and then a few paragraphs of text will suffice, but if it's any news site I recommend to choose the resource with great content. Fits 1000 – 1500 characters. By the way, the search engines index websites bad with lots of text. And also be wary of suspicious hidden sections of the site.

Make sure that your link will be located in the main contents site. Also check the HTML code for your site, to determine the presence of tags 'nofollow' and 'noindex'. These links will prohibit indexing pages for search engines Yandex, Rambler and Google. In fact under these search engines and optimize sites in RuNet. For those who do not know it Runet Russian Internet. And also after the purchase link, you can speed up indexing it. To do this, add a link to it in social bookmarks. They are often indexed by search engines. I hope my advice will help someone to optimize their sites and attract new visitors to the resource. When asked where to buy links to the site can answer any search engine. It is important not to buy any stock exchange, while a webmaster. And as I said buy eternal link with a one-time payment.

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Well, that social traffic? 1) Once a serious traffic does not get, you must first level up your account, to develop a "network", etc. 2) The effective work of several social sphere, even in the presence of overlying soft life, troublesome, and they need to engage seriously. 3) Choose any news social programs of general use (except for target highly specific), and Try to post there every day with news of your blog. The first days of hire, then start spitting at you, then take a face and thrown to the service. Therefore, to be "the guy", you should post and a fair share News from other sites. In fact, many do receive basic traffic with no news leading up to the home blog, but with my account … I honestly do not want to deal with this at all, I'd better write fast or smart people revere. 4) Traffic is not stable.

Good results only with news or post caught in the right time and place itself in your account kosmicheki pumped, and the "correct" phase of the moon, and the arrangement of furniture in your room by Feng Shui. On the same bookmarks, it is more stable, but at times less tangible. Oh, and do not forget to regularly throw the wood into the furnace! 5) The traffic than the target. Of course, to "bookmark" this is not true, there is this reverse order, I in general, with BobrDobr, long kept the average time of 28 minutes on the blog! The same does not apply to a narrowly thematic social sphere. But if you talk about the traffic from news sotsialok 'public', it is mostly empty. Again, going back to my own experience, there were days when I got 100% failure rate … 6) Items 4 and 5, definitely not into the hands of young Moneymaker, it is also not a gud -). 7) The result of less predictable, not always guess what shoot (although this is partly true and search traffic).

Spoon of honey: And maybe two or all three, because not all awful in fact. On social sphere, too, can work with the head, consequently benefit from. Besides, sometimes it can be obtained quickly. A good search engine traffic – the inheritance of qualitative development of blogs, if before this far, why not play the game Veb2nolnye. And finally, the most important thing. I do not agree with bloggers who ignore search engine traffic. It plays an important role in the life of my blog, but, and they do not live in one. As I wrote at the beginning – one married to another regularly jog -). Because black and white representation of the world is not right. Where can I I do optimization for keywords – this is usually posts dedicated to a particular object or phenomenon, in general, where it is correct and appropriate. If my post on a lengthy subject, of course, neither of which speech is not search engine optimization. Social traffic trying to get me too regularly, sometimes goes successful, sometimes not, but I do not get hung up on this. I just love him less -). Another read: Blogun against J2J Create a blog

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Targeted Visitors

What is a ‘dead site’? This is a site that has absolutely nothing to the visitors. How, then, to revive such a site, make it work for you? The fastest way – is to buy unique visitors in one of the systems for buying and selling traffic. I would recommend for this purpose, the system Ru Clicks, because I always use it myself. The system has a powerful geo targeting. You can, for example, buy only the visitors of your city. Thus the cost regional traffic sostavyaet only $ 8 per 1000 visitors.

If you have a website aimed at the entire Russian-speaking audience, and you do not need a regional traffic, the cost will be – from $ 3 per 1000 visitors! Ru Clicks does not restrict theme of your site, however, the focus of the system: entertainment themes. Invited to participate escort sites, recreational sites, sex shops, dating, entertainment portals. The system has layered protection against bots and nakrutok, which ensures that the site you priydut only real visitors. Ru Clicks accepts payment from different payment systems: WebMoney, Yandex, Epasporte, Moneygram and Western Union. To start working with the system, must complete a simple registration.

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Content Downloading Site

"We already have a website, but we do not like it," "In the site have put a lot of money but it does not work", "Good site, of course, necessary, but we have in this do not understand …" Such statements have me as a copywriter hear from customers and then case. And despite the fact that the creation of sites devoted a lot of books, resources and articles to us – the performers – will still have to deal with the originally faulty installations customers. As a result, after a long hassle, which is converted in these plants work, or the result is unsatisfactory, or simply cease cooperation. To learn how to avoid it, I tell you from their point of view. ERROR ONE.

"Come on, I'll spare!" By itself, the desire to save is quite reasonable, especially considering that Internet resources are filled with advertisements that site can make or buy for three rubles. And if you and your employees feel a strength to cope on their own, then nobody will deny. However, it can lead to a? – The site made by someone else's pattern or unassumingly in a program such as Frontpage. Filled with trite, or copy, or just ignorant content. No one then he is not interested, no they are not engaged, and he does not bring any satisfaction or money. – After some time a potential customer a desire to invite a professional to at least he filled a good site and literate content.

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