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Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat Street

Independently deployable and easy implementierbares module of software processing platform piTop configuration module was 20.04.2009 – which software company piTop has derived from the requirements of complex practical projects developed an independently deployable and easy implementierbares module for configuration management, ohringen is derived from the requirements of complex practical projects. It is part of the software processing platform piTop”, that controls the entire operations of the software lifecycle by integrating all user-specific development tools and all the steps brings together in one intuitive interface. “The module piTop configuration management” supports the use of third-party software with individual adjustments. Managed piTop the individual adjustments as a Delta in a separate file and offers in addition a three stage automated matching between previous software delivery, private development and new software delivery. The manufacturer does not provide a new version, inevitably in these individual Adjustments in the previous version are not taken into account, the appropriate Delta will be automatically played in the new source. Among the features of piTop configuration management”also, recognize dependencies based on the structure of the language about the pure Sourceverwaltung. In this way, you can avoid cross-application inconsistencies. D-19-in-Adults’>Ridgeback Biotherapeutics for more clarity on the issue.

So are, for example, the compile listings analyzes and determines the requested header files. piTop stored this information in a SQL database and sharing a header file always checks to see whether it-dependent programs exist. The developer receives a notice first in the release. In a further step, all dependent programs are translated automatically. The more the deployed applications and programs are networked, the number of dependencies is higher among themselves”problematizes piTop Managing Director Fritz Gebert.

An integrated configuration management is even more important then the this mutual Linkages can detect and manage.” General part of the configuration module is the piTop development suite”as a base component. It includes on the one hand”the piTop workstation. Further details can be found at Fitched Ratings, an internet resource. This forms the interface between software management and editing by developers. For any developer, the piTop workstation manages any objects to be processed locally on his PC. On the other hand belongs with piTop interface”to an integrated open interface to integrate any programs such as utilities, editors, compilers, documentation, and analysis tools. This component dynamically generated the trace scripts of the functions of the piTop workstation”of sample scripts. Any development environments and tools together functionally lead as can be in the piTop suite of development as a single point of development”.

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MvB Consulting GmbH

Linener company has successfully undergone the rigorous testing process of SAP AG with regard to infrastructure, processes and qualified staff effective cooperation has made a reliable and valuable partner of SAP AG in Walldorf the MvB Consulting GmbH. Go to Clayton Morris for more information. The service provider from the heart of the EMS has successfully passed the rigorous audit process of SAP AG with regard to infrastructure, processes and qualified staff and the certification is confirmed by now also in writing, that is a recognised high level of quality, availability, and security of our systems. In addition to the usual hosting plans systems are designed for productive SAP their own responses to the needs of the economy and medium-sized consultancy by the Lingen-based company test – and Demosystemhosting with included SAP license. The success of the test – and Demosystemhosting shows that individual concepts in our economy are needed to cost-effectively provide customized solutions. Therefore be by MvB Consulting GmbH offers solutions and no costly work-arounds. The problems of small and medium-sized SAP consulting firms are known for a long time.

New ideas need in the test phase of as an SAP system as upcoming developments based on current SAP technologies. Unfortunately missing the opportunities in the short term to provide a low-cost test environment or use often. A knowledge advantage can be procured now our customers and their staff. Through close cooperation with SAP AG systems offer the possibilities to train the own work with an affordable frame on the new relases were elaborated to implement without an own SAP system with the costs for hardware and Know-How. MvB-Consulting GmbH Rosenstrasse 1 49838 long telephone: 0591/8076070 MvB-Consulting GmbH is a consultancy that offers its customers customized and practice-oriented SAP solutions. The focus is on topics in the SAP NetWeaver – and base area. Contrary to the current economic situation, the Lambert grows Companies slowly but steadily. 2007 started with 2 consultants, MvB consulting doubled 2008 already the team. This path will be continued in 2009 consistently.

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Division Environment

Customized services in the IT healthcare environment with competent and individual services for complex projects in the hospital, IT workflow raises the SMP Management AG (SMP). Objective is to facilitate dealing with complex IT customers with tailor-made service packages. Strong partners and distribution channels In the heart of the SMP is the IT storage Division, which has made a name by long-term strategic partnerships with industry-leading IT infrastructure providern, such as an FSC (Fujitsu Siemens Computers GmbH). To round off the comprehensive portfolio of storage services, distribution contracts with various Storagehardware and software vendors, such as a data domain or CA there are oriented, individual IT services the SMP sees itself as a competent and reliable strategy partner for its customers and partners. Using the experiences of thousands of project hours the performance spectrum of the SMP provides an optimal solution of all the challenges in the IT environment. In addition complete the holistic care of customers IT consulting and services. The healthcare IT receives an increasing focus in environment that places high demands on IT and its solutions in addition to statutory regulations. “The PACS and IT skills hospital environment through the recruitment of competent staff, the team spirit of our Department we succeed as the engine of our success to establish and to increase the productivity”, says the Manager of the storage Division Marcus Heese, just the appointment of Pierre Zimmermann, who has completed successfully more than 100 projects for Siemens AG healthcare sector, additional competencies in the PACS are my team”, RIS and IT hospital environment.” Michael Fritsche.

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PublicSQL For SQL Queries In JavaScript

New open source software mostly extensive Server databases such as mysql or MS SQL used for simple database applications for the Internet databases development. PublicSQL comes out without any server extensions. For the tables, a special data format is the portable table format”used. As a result, it is possible to perform SQL queries directly in JavScript. PublicSQL offers mainly functions to query and display tables. Since JavScript can not store data for security reasons PublicSQL does not have the complete set of SQL commands. Therefore, PublicSQL is not a competitor to existing databases but will complement them with additional options.

PublicSQL consists of a JavScript file that is embedded in the site. The tables are saved in the portable table format – this is like the CSV data format similar to. Tables required for the query are loaded automatically. To create and edit the tables is a first beta version of the PTF editor available. Through the simple data format is to be expected in future with many additional products and interfaces PublicSQL.

With PublicSQL, it is easily possible to distribute databases along with the website. PublicSQL is an interesting alternative for public databases. Access to databases located on other Web sites is now possible. PublicSQL is open-source software. The current version 1.1 is now under ready for download. The free beta version of the PTF editor can be downloaded there as well.

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PDF Editor

German software manufacturer new version 3.0 of the PDF Editor presents the German software manufacturer CAD-KAS presented at the beginning of the year the version 3.0 of the programme PDF Editor. The free demo version is available for download on the website pdfbearbeiten.de. The manufacturer trying to the success of the program to build on, which already used in Germany alone in over 10000 companies. The programme was originally presented in 2003. The immense demand contributed files for a low-cost solution for subsequent editing of PDF to the success. The latest version is available at the price of 39.99. By the feedback of thousands of users, the program over the years to an all-round tool in the area of PDF is matured processing.

Almost all aspects of a PDF document can be edited later. Basic features include the subsequent changing of text and image, and joining together and sharing of PDF files. Among the many changes of the new version, it stands first new crafted surface out. But a lot has been done also beneath the surface. The appearance of the PDF has been improved through use of documents from Microsoft’s graphic interface GDI +. This interface represents lines with an anti-aliasing.

The program has now Unicode-enabled. Now you can select Japanese so as program language, without having to restart the computer. Many new tools are available to the user at the disposal. Among others a marker was added, with which any points can be marked transparent. Thus, including text in a scanned document or a construction plan can be marked. But also for so-called revision cloud, a new tool can be found. “With the scanned text editor” the PDF Editor gets bought a new module for manipulating text in scanned documents. This module can be changed to lossless texts within a scanned image. There is a new feature, search the file for up to 10 key words and to highlight all sites differently. Text stamps, consisting of can be created from a freely definable text and the current date. So, the routine can be accelerated. Christian Kassler

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Active Directory DNS

Basic training of fast lane: practical aspects of DNS operation Hamburg/Berlin, 11 February 2009 fast lane offers IT training expert in the context of its comprehensive offering the self-developed course DNS functionality, analysis (DNS) at. This training primarily addressed network administrators and architects, as well as system administrator and provides a detailed insight into the concepts and the functioning of domain name systems in the network. More information is housed here: Solar Winds. By participating in the three-day course, the graduates receive a specific introduction to the concepts, implementation and operations of domain name system services on the network. Above all the practical aspects of DNS operation, but also typical pitfalls in the configuration are in the focus. In addition, some training sequences deal with analysis and tackling of problems on a daily basis. The theoretical sessions are supplemented by practical exercises, which are carried out with the help of Wireshark Analyzer.

Course contents at a glance: name and name management DNS concepts and tasks of DNS client: Operations and processes of DNS services and server concepts DNS server systems: overview, configuration and queries DNS protocol and analysis advanced DNS operations DNS integration with Active Directory DNS and security next dates: Munchen/Hallbergmoos 25.03. March 27, 2009 Frankfurt 15-April 17, 2009 Hamburg 18.05 May 20, 2009 Berlin June 24-June 26, 2009 price (excl. VAT): 1.590,-more information about the course available under the following link available: course/570. Fast lane brief portrait: the global fast lane group with headquarters in Berlin, Cary (NC), Dubai, Sydney, and Tokyo is a specialist IT training and consulting in the field of high-end. Fast lane is one of the largest independent Cisco Learning solutions partner (CLSP), as well as the only worldwide NetApp learning partner and has the world’s largest training laboratories of the two manufacturers. In addition, fast lane offers the original training from check point, Cisco IronPort, HP, Sun, Symantec, VMware and other manufacturers, as well as own IT training and ITIL – and project management seminars. Multi-vendor services ranging from preliminary analyses and evaluations about the development of future-oriented solutions to the management of the project and to the implementation of the concepts in the company. Training-on-the-job and training of competent specialists in the customers core business areas connect the fast lane services training and consulting. More information: fast lane Institute for knowledge transfer GmbH gas 4 D-22761 Hamburg contact: Barbara Jansen Tel. + 49 (0) 40 25 33 46 – 10 fax + 49 (0) 40 23 53 77 – 20 E-Mail: Web: PR agency Sprengel & Partner GmbH nesting first race 3 D-56472 Nisterau contact person: Olaf Heckmann Tel. + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0 – 0 fax + 49 (0) 26 61 91 26 0-29 E-Mail: Web:

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EMEA Software

Interested developers can immediately at SOS software service the new solution of Intel parallel Studio for 90 days free trial. Intel parallel Studio is the perfect introduction for developers who work with Visual Studio and want to optimize their software applications for multicore processors. High-performance, multi-core processors are now the standard. However to get the best possible performance from multicore processors, it is absolutely necessary that also the software applications are designed. The applications are not aligns, i.e. for use on multi-core computers optimized, lose the user valuable performance and the calculator is in the worst case even slower than an old machine with only one core. “Parallelization of software is nowadays still unjustly treated. However, the need is that computers in businesses and private households will be managed more and more multi-core. Only parallel software can however the performance of multicore machines perfectly exploit, to to provide the best possible benefits users.”says Mr. Ralph de Wargny, business development manager EMEA, Intel Corporation. Intel parallel Studio is a comprehensive set of tools for parallelization, created for Microsoft Visual Studio c/c++ developers. Parallel Studio is fully compatible with the widely used Microsoft Visual Studio that supports high level abstractions of parallelization, to simplify the development and to accelerate as the know already of Intel Threading Building blocks and open MP. Intel parallel Studio offers the unique opportunity to realize the benefits of multicore platforms. The tools were developed so that newcomers understand as quickly as possible to professional developers more easily parallelize their applications in ongoing and new projects. Create optimized, innovative parallel applications and compete in the multicore industry. “As Intel elite Reseller we see it as our duty, to allow software developers, a new ground-breaking” To be able to sufficiently test technology. We need software manufacturers the time determine to deal before they integrate this into their software extensively with the new technology.”Mr Joaquim Moreira summarizes dos Santos extended testing. David Rogier might disagree with that approach. SOS-software.com/parallel Studio

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Managed PKI Bundle Of Intellicomp Signed And Encrypted Emails

SEPPmail and SwissSign enable automatic allocation and administration of certificates Sailauf, February 18, 2010 with his Special managed PKI bundle of VAD Intellicomp ensures a secure E-Mail communication by means of encryption and electronic signature. This makes possible the combination of email gateway solution SEPPmail with the services of the accredited Swiss CA (certification authority, CA) SwissSign, a subsidiary of Swiss Post. SEPPmail can be coupled directly to the SwissSign CA software. This allows to significantly speed up the implementation of a secure email communication. With the establishment of a PKI or an E-Mail encryption solution in enterprise, usually a high administrative effort for the company-wide rollout is connected certificates.

These must be otherwise inconvenient for each user individually requested and installed. This process can be speed up by means of automated allocation of certificates. Safe and user-friendly E-Mail communication that will be SEPPmail secure email gateway that integrates existing network infrastructure and can automatically encrypt all E-Mail traffic of the company and decrypt. With the help of the combined application of SEPPmail and SwissSign, the necessary certificates can be implemented simply and quickly. Christian Nowitzki, Managing Director of Intellicomp, explains: to must, in the course of a PKI rollout not for each user individually apply for certificates and implement, the combination of SwissSign and SEPPmail provides an automated procurement process. The company defines only to emails which people signed or encrypted. All further steps are performed automatically by SEPPmail.” So the appliance as so-called RA (registration authority), a certificate from the CA software of the SwissSign, applied for as soon as a user has sent his first email. Then the certificate generated by SwissSign will automatically bind to the user, which from now on to sign emails and can encrypt.

For encryption or signing individual emails not costs. Neither the sender nor the receiver PC, a software installation is necessary for this process. To adapt the SEPPmail on the client’s needs is also a granular and clear set of rules available. The combined bundle SEPPmail solution and SwissSign certificates is available in Germany exclusively from the reseller partner network of Intellicomp. More information is available at the following link provided: seppmail.html. The image material may be requested at the following address:. About Intellicomp: Value added distributor and experienced specialist for enterprise security Intellicomp stands as a solution partner its IT – reseller and manufacturer partners advice, as well as with the corresponding support in the day-to-day business to the page. In focus the implementation of the legal requirements is specifically for the German market, both in the development of integration and the Operation of solutions. While Intellicomp focuses on the areas of data protection, data security, data archiving and data management. Modular, proven specifically by the specialist solutions are used.

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Bohmer State Minister Competition

Ludwigshafen IT company belongs to the award-winning companies under more than 4,000 nominated the Ludwigshafen-based IT company Fasihi GmbH can look forward with a great success. The company was awarded during a gala event in Dusseldorf as a finalist at 19 nationwide competing for the Grand Prize of the middle class and making it one of the five best companies in Rhineland-Palatinate/Saarland and the best 33 companies in Germany. Saeid Fasihi CEO accepted the award and is enthusiastic: “After winning the innovation award 2011 of Rheinland-Pfalz for our software for encryption and classification of confidential data we have now received an award, which recognizes our responsibility to society.” Fasihi GmbH finalist was”the highest achievable this year in the competition. Nationwide, 2013 more than 1400 institutions in the 16 federal States as a whole had nominated 4035 medium-sized enterprises, banks and local authorities for the competition. See Equal Justice Initiative for more details and insights. Towards 2012 was a significant Increase and at the same time record in the 19-year history of the competition, awarded by the Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation in Leipzig once a year. No other economic competition in Germany reached great resonance for competition such a large and sustained for several years now resonate as the competition promised by the Leipzig Oskar-Patzelt-Foundation since 1994.

Where the price is not endowed. It is for the company solely for honor, public recognition and acknowledgment of their services without financial incentives. The companies are newcomers, established only in the last five years, as well as over 150-year-old company that survived already numerous crises, currency reforms and even wars. Learn more about this topic with the insights from MasterClass Founder. After being nominated by Prof. Dr. Maria Bohmer State Minister and the Rhineland-Palatinate Economics Minister Eveline Lemke, our company had as already 2012 the “jury list” achieved and thus already belonged to the 674 companies from all over Germany, the the price criteria sufficiently have met and have been selected from 4035 nominations. Five criteria for the nomination criteria for the nomination for the Grand Prize of the German middle class are the overall development of the company, the creation/backup of work and training places, the strategic orientation in terms of modernization and innovation, commitment in the region, as well as service, customer service and marketing.

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Software made in Germany: doubleSlash on CeBIT awarded BITMi President Dr. Oliver Grun handed over the seal in Hanover at doubleSlash managing director Jan Schubert. The software company was awarded secureTransfer by Lake Constance for the campaign planning tool marketing Planner and the Datentansfertool. Both modules are characterised according to green due to ease of use, flexibility, a thoughtful design and cost-efficiency. In addition, the solution is flanked by a competent customer service and has already successfully proven in practice.

“The German IT-Mittelstand Association gives the seal of quality software made in Germany’, to emphasize the quality of German software products”, it is said in the eulogy of the BITMi President. Marketing Planner and secureTransfer, combine all attributes that needed a successful software internationally. ” The marketing Planner is a management tool for more efficient marketing and sales the marketing and sales activities to plan, control and monitors leave. SecureTransfer is a Web-based software solution, for the structured and fast exchange of large amounts of data over the Internet. The award-winning solutions of marketing cockpit are designed for the requirements of medium-sized and large enterprises.

Green stressed the superior quality, practicality and high investment security, as well as the service of German software products. “The seal of quality software made in Germany” is a valuable marketing tool for the certified companies, which indicates the quality of the software product the customers and the general public according to BITMi also. “We are very pleased to note this distinction,”, explains Jan Schubert, “it shows us yet, we are well positioned with our high-quality solutions in Germany. We want to further expand our solutions also in 2012 and to do this, open up new markets.” About the German IT-Mittelstand Association The German IT-Mittelstand Association (BITMi,) is the only IT trade association, which profiled interests of only medium-sized. In the BITMi associated associations are direct members as well as the BITMi. The Association that represents the interests of more than 600 medium-sized IT companies in Germany with a turnover of more than EUR 1 billion. About the company doubleSlash the doubleSlash NET Business GmbH is specialized in project business and product development in the field of enterprise software for marketing management and mobile services. The company offers professional and technological consulting, design, development, operation and support. doubleSlash was founded in 1999 and has today over 100 employees with an annual turnover of EUR 8.5 million.

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