Tag: other-articles


Senecca said that the world is composed of those who give and those who receive, where those who receive eat better but who give sleep better. At some point in our lives we have all received either money by our service, love, satisfaciones, dislikes; but we have to think how we receive him? Who gets bound, with contempt, there is one who does it with generosity. (Similarly see: Bank of America). It is generosity is the quality that we will guide when demos rather than receiving because everyone in a particular memento have taken on different occasions or for different reasons, more than others or less than others or equal than others.We give love, understanding, comfort, patience, favors, resignation, job, opportunities, and much more. Have I ever felt satisfied when you give without expecting anything in return? Remember that the generosity causes satisfaction. Do now I wonder tea: you’re really happy?. That is what you want from life?. They are very simple questions but difisiles answer, more when it has no clearly defined goals. We can only predict our own future I want to give you a secret to it the first task you are you treated with love and respect and draw people who show love and respect when you feel bad with still same you aren’t full and satisfied and therefore we have nothing to give to others.

When you happy estas give to the other will be very easy and natural. Focus on the qualities that you have and the qualities of others, fails to focus on complaints, in the unpleasant but strengths make a friend is a grace. Having a friend is a gift. Keep a friend is a virtue. Be your friend is an Honor.

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In addition to the rich potato, pumpkin and semolina gnocchi, in Argentina the gnocchi is a known person who dislikes to society. Long ago, knew it to the employee who was paid a fixed salary for work not performed as supernumerary. Today, call this worker gnocchi because it comes to make ends meet, near the date of the next payment. The tradition of eating gnocchi day 29 of every month was founded in the 8th century. In Nicosia lived a doctor named Pantaleon, who made a pilgrimage by North Italy doing miracles which was canonized. True day 29, peasants it was invited to share his poor table and eat the now famous gnocchi. Further details can be found at baby clothes, an internet resource.

Grateful, he predicted them a year of fishing and abundant harvests. The promise was fulfilled. The ritual that we just today put money under the dish of gnocchi all 29 symbolizes the desire of new gifts. The Real Academia Espanola already incorporated as one of the meanings of the word gnocchi: public employee who attends the only workplace in date collection. And he clarifies that this usage is derogatory and own the Argentina. In English some people call these ghost workers employees. However, the definition differs slightly from the Argentine gnocchi, since English can also refer to workers who do not receive a salary, but who have access to a company’s accounts, resources and systems. Original author and source of the article

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Be in lifestyle some ideas how to have a life more balanced and full of well-being and beauty! There is nothing like the routines to really have a plan of action to take care of yourself, so to end the month, I’m going to tell what would be a weekly action plan, to carry out little by little and always be radiant beauty and effortless. The routines we divide into two parts: the body care face care body care if you take care of your body skin every day, you’ll see that when it comes to summer and the time to show off skin, you will feel very comfortable with yourself. These are the weekly beauty routines: exfoliation once or twice per week. With a gentle scrub. Moisturizing body, daily. FPUC Program has plenty of information regarding this issue.

After the shower. Hydration of the hands and feet, daily, night and better tomorrow. Daily specific treatments with cream firming or anti-cellulite, depending on the case. Manicure and pedicure at home once a week. Professional treatment wherever possible: Exfoliation and moisturizing twice a year. Massage treating (lymph, firming, anti cellulite): if necessary, once a month or a couple of months before the spring.

Care of the face or that say, if you take care you face now, you will have a skin better now and in the future. If you are one of them that you lay without make-up or never find time to apply a mask, tell you start changing your routines. These are the weekly beauty routines: cleaning morning and night. Hydration and protection mornings. Hydration nights. Moisturizing special eye morning and night. Exfoliation once a week with a specific soft scrub for your skin. Mask of treatment (moisturizing, brightness, regenerating) depending on your needs. Professional treatment wherever possible: facial cleaning every three months or depending on your skin type. Visit to a dermatologist annually and provided that your doctor tells you.

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International Tourism

International tourism in the Isla Margarita La Corporation tourism of Nueva Esparta, noted in a report the decline of international tourists to the island of Margarita, thus confirming a fall of more than 50 percent between 2004 and 2010. In 2004 entered 214 thousand 765 foreign tourists at Margarita compared with 60 thousand entries in 2010. The highest point in this period appears in 2006 with 260 thousand visitors. In 2010, two million 563 thousand visitors entered in total to the island, of which 98% is domestic tourism. The Corporation of tourism with the private sector has embarked on a tourism campaign where you have traveled the country promoting the destination, also have been in Colombia. However, they need the help of the Executive to develop more effective policies. The Corporation has sent a dispatch to the Ministry of tourism when it started the fall of international tourism so that they apply the incentives that appear in the law for tourism, as it is the fuel at a preferential price, among others things and not nothing has been done, he said. Also, he emphasized that this worries them because they make a great effort within its possibilities. In addition, the fact that Venezuela did not have a booth at the tourism fair in Madrid, Spain was widely criticized. Delimiting, how we develop international tourism if we don’t have a space beyond.

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United States Business

Before proceeding with this second part of the interview that kept with Don Flaco I mean (though not likes to tell it is), but for me Don Flaccus is a Lord of Lords. It is not any person. He don’t likes that say you Lord, because he says: the Lord is in heaven, but the term Lord that is used in this case, is to demonstrate and to identify a man who leads a life decent and sober, a person who deserves much respect, for its quality integrates human being in every sense of the word. I don’t want to go into details, because actually no I consulted him, if I can touch them in these interviews, but Don Flaco lives a quiet life in his home, with his family and point. It is still telling me their experiences of working in the United States. Tells me as his German boss, in the editorial that he was working in New York, he proposes to do business.

The nature and dimensions of this editor were impressive. They were five publishers, five printing presses, but a single deposit for the five. A single deposit of raw materials and finished products. In that place was working Don Flaccus in that place was responsible for 200 people. The business that the owner of the business proposed was as follows: Don Flaccus had to manage a rolling cafe owned by the same owner.

Workers had 15 minutes of rest for a small snack. In this rolling coffee prices were much cheaper at another place; But if another site workers were taking 15 minutes of rest, to consume in this economic coffee only employed 10. After 2 or 3 days, in which Don Flaccus had to the tonnage of box to see how was the business, the owner of the same tells him: with this money buys everything to continue with the business, but Don Flaco realized that there was no profit, then asked the owner: how we are going to follow, if anything is not winning? She said: Yes, but that extra time remaining employees by consuming at our cafe and not go to another, to me means extra time of productivity at work follows the interview and as you would expect and is what is wanted, the topic of conversation changes, and Don Flaco me begins to speak of the newspaper La press Beltran lost La Prensa by Lordbecause he was a gentleman, and the family that surrounded him in the directory was incredible people.

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Since mankind exists, people have had to satisfy needs. You should invest or give a tangible asset or intengible, to win or receive another, nothing is free. I work for food, foods by food, by dresses, dresses for services, services for precious metals, precious metals for feelings, feelings for money, money for silence, silence by work, and so I could go in an infinite relation of things that involve all aspects of life. But that seems simple, it is not. A negotiation not only involves two parts and two different products, also have to do tastes, personalities, esteem or self-appraisals, customs, cultures, ambitions, visions, urgencies and circumstances which can unbalance the scale that values each part. Speaking candidly Brad Garlinghouse told us the story.

The current situation is the result of businesses that have been made over time, it suffices to recall bad business that some few Africans did when they were convincing against the economic power of some outsiders, those who they took advantage of the low self-esteem of those peoples, to bring them to price. That price would be so low, that it allowed to obtain large profits to business merchants, since the only risk assumed was the loss of any human life in the course of the long journey, which for them was not worth more than any commodity, and an oar less for moving heavy boat. Underdeveloped peoples are in that condition, inter alia, by bad businesses that have been doing, when a few individuals with power, are dazzled with personal benefits, to do business that will damage the interests of the community which they represent. Nothing is achieved by force, abroad does a very fine job of seduction, managing to close good business that medium-term becomes bad. If it despises the brothers before strangers, they despreciaran them even more. The problem is that the brother not deemed as such because it is different or not approaching the model as the media they imposed at the time.

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Protecting your Pride Encourages Ignorance

Kinds of Los Angeles from God: angel Principados.Regencia: 13 to 17 of Diciembre.Se situated in the area of Netzah and works matters related to the Tiphereth.Nombre of Los Angeles area: God that lowers to the orgullososEsencia of the Angel: spiritual communication.Planet of the Angel: VenusHoroscopo angeles: Sagitario.Atributo: this Principality, helps us study. It is especially useful for students and people related to the research, documentation and study of Cabinet. It clears the mind and allows you to discover and appreciate what is really important. The essence well assimilated spiritual communication directs us towards a light where everything is understandable and will place us in conditions in order to make such communication that we will have that impulse, a desire. Read more here: Cloud Computing. The need to ask, desirable and quote the sentence of Christ of ask for it and it will be, concludes so will fall into ignorance at the time where you not want to know, is rejected knowledge. A leading source for info: Phil Vasan.

If we are on the path that presides Nanael is because somehow We have or we have had the essence of Ariel, if it has been exploited, i.e. If we have been able to perceive the secrets of nature, now we can understand the secrets of the spirit. Influence on ecclesiastical, professors and judges. Spiritual knowledge will result in the ecclesiastical, that that will be able to disassociate itself from worldly pleasures without any sacrifice. It will give way to the teacher that will teach what they have learned, will give what has been given, this release will give way to new knowledge and we can finally become the magistrate who applied these laws in justice to all facets of existence. Do not assimilate well this essence the holder of it may become a priest of mind difficult to understand, a professor who repeats and does not teach and someone more given to judge that in applying the Ley.Los influenced by Nanael can have a melancholic mood, they will like the privacy, rest and meditation. That melancholy will disappear as when getting the objectives of this essence.What gives: inspiration for the study of high science.

Inspired by their work to professors, judges and legislators. Acquiring transcendental knowledge through meditation. Intellectual and physical rejuvenation. It protects against ignorance and bad qualities of body and soul. Program lesson: Overcoming pride and insolence. PSALM for INVOCARLOPara invoke his strength and power, first prays Psalm or Psalms chosen, then call it by its name and finally performs the specific request you want to make him.I know, o God, that thy judgments are justice, and that according to thy faithfulness I afligiste.The Angel’s message: Keep clear the mind to discern about LO important and TRANSCENDENT.

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