Tag: policy

Norweigan Police

The individual dress police who opened fire on the island might have been seen in the Centre of Oslo before the explosion. An attack against the governmental area of Olso causes several deaths. Several killed in a shootout at a Social Democrat youth camp. Norwegian police has ensured that the attack in the Centre of Oslo and the shooting at a Social Democrat youth camp could be related. The key is a man arrested for the attack in Utoya, which might have been seen also in the Centre of Oslo moments before the explosion. Jeffrey Sofer brings even more insight to the discussion. In an appearance before the media, a police spokesman has mentioned that the detainee, of Nordic aspect, was armed with an automatic rifle. I was going with uniform police, although he has never belonged to the body. As reported by the police, shortly before the explosion in the center of Oslo, an individual with a similar uniform was seen driving a car that was not of the body.

Council of Ministers this evening on the other hand, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, has comparecido on television to call on the population of the capital to follow Police instructions and do not come out of their homes. The Norse leader has appeared visibly affected and has ensured that it was shocked by having been in the attacked building and meet some of the fatalities. Also progress has the name of the victims will not be that be only contacted their families. Do not rule out new pumps at a previous press conference, the police had already confirmed that the powerful explosion that has rocked the Centre of Oslo has been an assassination attempt. The authorities do not rule out that more bombs found during the investigation. Police spokesman pointed out that airports and other transport terminals are controlling. Authorities have not confirmed to be a car bomb, although at first several Norwegian media indicated it as well, to find in the area remains of a vehicle.

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Healthy And Natural Pregnancy

If you have problems to be pregnant woman, by whatever the reason, creme that I know how you feel, I lived it to I myself, and I will never forget frustrating and the sad thing that she was. But after much investigation, I could create a system of methods that will teach to you as to be pregnant of a healthy way and 100% natural one, the same system that I personally used to obtain my so longed for pregnancy! Today I will reveal 3 advice to you very practitioners, so that you increase your probabilities of being pregnant of immediate way: 1) The best moment for the fertilization is when it happens the ovulation between day 12 and 16 before the following menstrual cycle begins. Many women forget this, but to put in east practice advice, and to take advantage of these days to the maximum, can mean the difference between managing to be pregnant and not to secure the pregnancy. 2) The best moment to have sexual relations is the day or the night before the ovulation begins, therefore the sperm it will already be hoping in the tubes of Fallopian tube until the ovum arrives. 3) The position of the missionary (the recostada woman of back and the man arrive) is the best position so that the uterus can receive the sperm. Although this can vary in some cases so he is better to consult his doctor.

It remembers, is not just by enough to read information, you must implement it to obtain the awaited results. Many other techniques and advice exist very practitioners who teach to you like being pregnant and to reinvert the infertility, without concerning the age which you have, remembers that to many they have obtained it women. I wait for haberte helped, and I wish a happy pregnancy you! attention(or attn). Ana Johnson Original author and source of the article.

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Tribal Customs

Faith: Problem and solution proposal, speech by Dr. Seyed M. Azmayesh before members of the Flemish Parliament in Belgium at the 20.06.2012 of the Qur’an considers that the most important enemy of man / her ego is. The devout Muslim developed human qualities such as tolerance, generosity and chivalry in the course of his life, by he or she permanently his / her ego wrestles with the nubs (Great Jihad). Tribal customs the Arabian Peninsula by numerous tribes was populated from the time before Islam in the pre-Islamic period. These tribes followed ancient customs, which were based largely on superstition.

The Qur’an contains a considerable number of verses that speak out against this tribal customs, but many of these superstitious practices remained even after the revelation of the Qur’an under the flag of Islam. Here a few examples: Stoning polygamy to cover up coercion against women on religious grounds of genital mutilation at Girls – during their childhood or already at birth and other similar customs, which already existed before the advent of Islam, but verses in the Koran clearly were abolished. Hijri or the historical statement of Prophet Mohammed left his hometown of Mecca, to emigrate to Yasreb. There he created off after the ancient tribal customs, while at the same time built a new social infrastructure based on the new social arrangements. He gave the name of Medina (Medina) – town, Polis Yasreb.

The word Tamaddon is a derivative from the word Smith and civilization. The Islamic calendar begins not with the birth of Muhammad 1 or the emergence of Islam in Mecca, but takes its beginning in the establishment of first civil society within the first Muslim city. The importance of this statement from a social frame of reference in a new gesaltende social community lies in the time between two historical phases. It was the transition from the time of tribal customs of to present social arrangements within the framework a civil society.

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Vice President

He said the spending rule shall include flexibility when there is a recession, a natural disaster or a catastrophe requiring stimulus measures. There is no time to create a new tax that serious these rents. The economic Vice, Elena Salgado, has said that with the reform of the Constitution will be set a maximum for all public administrations structural deficit close to zero for a normal situation, which expected to be reach from 2018. In a normal situation the deficit should be zero or very close to zero. Cloud computing takes a slightly different approach. That normal situation do it want to put in the Constitution from the year 2018-2020?, explained in statements to RNE. Salgado has insisted that in normal situation and long term the public deficit should be very limited, but unless you remove the possibility that can adopt policies of fiscal stimulus when the circumstances require it. The rule of expenditure shall include the flexibility when there is a recession, a natural disaster or a catastrophe that requires stimulus measures, although that lead to a given year have one greater deficit, has said. The Vice President has tinged that the current deficit, which will be trimmed to 6% of GDP in 2011, does not correspond to a situation of normality, and therefore is not a structural deficit, but it derives from an economic context adverse forced to adopt fiscal stimulus and has raised the amount of benefits for unemployment.

On the other hand, speaking to cadena SER, Salgado has left the door open to that on Friday the Government approve an increase in taxation to large fortunes, given that said that you there is no time to create a new tax that serious these rents. For a new tax on large fortunes no time. To increase the pressure on large fortunes, allow me hopefully to Friday, he said. Regard to whether large fortunes in the country have been sent a letter to the Ministry of economy and finance asking for a tax increase, as it has happened in France or in the United States, the Minister said had not received anything in writing. Source of the news: Elena Salgado says the Constitution will set a deficit close to zero limit

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