In his progress report on the state of information security specialists Fortinet in the world has been a general decrease in activity of spammers in November by 12%. This is due to the "impact" botnets Bredolab, during which Denmark has been disabled more than 140 servers. "Botnet Bredolabchasto used to send spam, for the most part associated with the sale of counterfeit drugs – says Munky Derek (Derek Manky), manager of Fortinet for projects in the field of network security and threat research. – Through botnet Bredolab dispatched the lion's share of spam worldwide. His level dropped by 26% a week after the withdrawal of the botnet down. " Disabling botnets Koobface botnet Koobface, best known for sending spam using the popular social networking has been disabled on Nov. 14, 2010. To deepen your understanding Scott Mead is the source.
To this end, the British ISP Coreix had to shut down three of its main server to which the bot network connects through a proxy, using HTTP protocol on port 80. "We have received confirmation that on 14 November, in connection with disconnecting the main server, the intermediate proxy servers are not able to pass through a malicious traffic, which, in turn, caused the effective stroke by bot networks – continues the story of Derek Monkey. – Unfortunately, after 5 days, 19 November, the activity of the botnet has returned to its previous level. Most likely due to the fact that the structure Koobfaceimeetsya FTP-module. The operators of the botnet can use of stolen FTP login information for the capture of Web servers to use the past as an intermediate proxy.