Tag: summaries and summaries

Traditional Grammar Study

The written gift has for intention to discourse a little concerning the Grammar of Valence, tracing a light comparartivo between this and the Constituent Grammar. The same it emphasizes of special form the importance of the verbal valence in the lxicas estrururas. Checking article sources yields baby clothes as a relevant resource throughout. For such survey if it made necessary to use argumetaes of some theoreticians, namely: BECHARA (2002), BORBA (1966), BUSSE and VILELA (1986), LUCIEN TESNIRE (1959), VIEIRA & BRANDO (2007), among others. To study the Grammar of a language requires a previous scientific study, that is, it demands theoretical knowledge concerning what he is being argued. One of the mistakes of the Traditional Grammar is that it does not make a clear-cut theoretical clipping. The same one, for example, inside does not point out of clear form the discursivas people of a necessary theoretical perspective.

The Traditional Grammar costuma to present two basic concepts to define the grammatical classroom ‘ ‘ Verbo’ ‘: i) verb is the word that indicates phenomenon of the nature, state and action; II) verb is the word that agrees to the citizen and number. As we can observe it does not follow a concrete theoretical line, is transiting in divergent scientific lines. While in meaning i) we have a on boarding to the semantic field, in turn in definition II) we find plus a predominant vision of the syntax. Our emphasis in this study, already emphasized previously, is the verbal Valence, that is, the seen verb as dominador element of all and any enunciative sentence. Thus we can survey that it is not the verb that agrees to the citizen, as it affirms the Traditional Grammar, and yes the citizen that obligatorily agrees to the verb. THEORETICAL BASEMENT According to some researchers and studious lingusticos Grammar of Valence had origin with the French theoretician Lucien Tesnire approximately in the year of 1959.

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Karl Marx

The Economic Classic Theory was puted in charge to introduce the concept to it of market, deepened for Adam economist Smith. Amongst existing theoretical chains in world contemporary to explain the relations between the three beings mentioned above in the capitalist societies and to guide the class action, two main ones if detach: the liberal doctrine, fruit of the thought of the English and French philosophers of centuries XVII and XVIII; the marxist doctrine, based in the thought of the German philosopher Karl Marx. The liberal theory praised the existence of a social contract, in which the individuals had abdicated of some of its rights on behalf of the guarantee to the freedom and the property, with prevalence of the individual interests (individualism). Learn more at: Larry Ellison. For the marxism, the State exists to keep the domination of a classroom on another one (bourgeoisie/proletariat) and displays a series of ideas that the principles of liberalism put in xeque, affirming that the development of the society if would give with the taking of being able for the classroom dominated, until then, not detainer of the means of production, institution it socialism and for the end of the private property and Been it. The two matrices base standards of relation between State and market throughout century XX in everybody and consecrate the pendular dynamics between them. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Oracle. For Rabbit (2009, P. 24), State and market are the two main references of the capitalist society; the changes and the advances produced throughout the time make a movement in zigzag, oscillating between the State (left) and market (right). Depending on the type of adopted governmental system in a society, with characteristic nuances of the ideological matrices, the relations between State and market (society) move, extending the possibilities of action or imposing limits to the will of the individuals or the collective. To the measure that the pendulum reaches its maximum point to the right, the market mechanisms present increase of the production, technological development and of the intent accumulation of the wealth in a society, however, they reveal insufficient to stimulate the private investment, the economic development and the social welfare, increasing the social inaqualities.

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The aged one has that to be supported by the family, the society and the State. The aged one, although bigger vulnerability, still has potential to contribute of some form with the society. Data of IBGE, 2000 esteem that up to 2025, Brazil will be the sixth country of the world with the biggest number of aged people. From there the alert one, to the Brazilian government, for the necessity of if creating, fastest possible, social politics that prepare the society for this reality. The Constitution of 1988, however, left clear the concern and attention that must be excused to the subject, when placed in its text the question of the aged one, art.229 and 230. It was the initial kick for the definition of National politics of the Aged one, that it traced the rights of this public and the lines of sectorial action. The Federal Constitution is clear in its art.196, when it affirms that ‘ ‘ THE HEALTH IS RIGHT OF ALL AND TO HAVE OF THE ESTADO’ , guaranteeing by means of social and economic politics that aim at to the reduction of the risk of illnesses and other agravos and to the universal and igualitrio access to the actions and services for its promotion, protection and recovery. Defined for the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) as complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not only the illness absence, the health is the well most important one of any human being..

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