Although it has occurred in France, the Revolution reached the entire world of a more general form, a time that it was important in the construction of a new democratic order. Still in the end of century XIX, Brazil lived deeply two important historical moments that had decisively marked the great transformations of the society: the Abolition of the Slavery (1888) and the Announcement of the Republic (1889). At this moment, according to Chalhoub (2004), it has a reorganization in the relations, as much in what respect to the dominations is said, how much in the classroom relations. is exactly inside of this historical context that has the sprouting of new and alternative forms of life, where the bohemians, fruits of the happened modernity of these transformations, starts to be part. Decidedly, century XIX was marked by protagonists who had faced with insolence the rules of good social convivncia. To say in these practical of life bohemian, in Brazil, is to think about the masculinidade, a time that this group was, historically, the main attribute.
According to Perrot (1995), the men were the main ones benefited with this alternative way of life, a time who had, in the night, diversion forms, therefore the social spaces created were come back toward the masculine public. is exactly in this scene that finishes perpassando the multiple relations of sort. The sort question, automatically in sends to the idea of the sexuality human being to them, that, according to Goals (1991), it is a largeness of the social experience where if innumerable questions perpassam. It is through the sexuality that if develops a vast field of desires, beliefs and values, that go, of some form, defining an ample specter of our identity. As the sexuality is not to the edge of history, but yes, inside of a social context where if they develop the estruturaes of the social hierarchies, we can think about as this sexuality was object of dispute and social control throughout history.