10,000 euro for the best ideas for separating waste Berlin, November 4, 2011. Please visit Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation if you seek more information. Berlin creative and innovative thinkers until November 15 in the idea competition of the participation campaign Trenntwende “take part. Due to the great success and the huge interest of the Berliners and Berlin, the organizers of the campaign have decided to extend the contest period to a week. The Trenntwende with over 100 applications is a success already before the expiry of the original deadline. All information about the competition and the participation form find prospective customers on. In the three categories of educational institutions, businesses and private households, organizers are looking for the best ideas and projects in the areas of waste reduction and separation. It will be awarded to the best contributions with prizes worth a total of more than 10,000 euros.

Received contributions show: Berlin is ready for the Trenntwende which show competition entries so far, how much creative and innovative potential in the areas of waste reduction and waste separation in the capital is available. So, students and pupils of Neukolln plan to reduce their waste by they want plastic cartridges of ink fillers in the future. An art installation in a Berlin Gallery wants to confront the visitors in an unusual way with their daily consumption of plastic and filled with more than 6,000 plastic bags to a swimming pool. Or the project of Green jeans”, in which paper is created from old jeans fabrics. The Trenntwende shows: Berlin is full of ideas and projects that are creative and engaged engaged in the topic of waste. The special feature of the competition is the sustainability. By the Fund of Trenntstadt Berlin the capital city can, with promoting their ideas become reality if there is sufficient in the competition for a place on the podium. All information about the competition and the entry form is located on.