The development of relations with the United States and the West in general are known to be first led to nuclear disarmament, Kazakhstan, and then, under the guise of disarmament, the elimination of Kazakh science cities and large objects MIC. Now the main objective of the West – control the lion's share FEC, providing a strategic military presence and the "democratic change" of power in Kazakhstan. Almost 50% of these goals have been achieved. "Corruption" – one of topical issues in the relationship between the "strategic partners" – RK and West. In addition to the "Kazakhgate" in the U.S., Germany could begin a similar investigation. Exactly to the visit of Nursultan Nazarbayev in Berlin it became known that "Siemens" had a secret fund, from bribing foreign officials "in 1999-2000.

in Egypt, Cameroon and Kazakhstan. " Even the awards in Europe for Mr. Nazarbayev to buy "stuntman" around the president. According to the British K. Dovkants journalist ("Evening Stendart" 21.01.07g.), "Mittal along with handing out bribes Mashkevich in favor of Kazakh President awarded medals." British commentator remarked delicately that "Nazarbayev, a former communist and dictator who loves awards and honors.

When he was made to holders of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, held in Astana whole celebration. " Whatever you say, and the ratio of the West by Nursultan Nazarbayev – as the leader of the tribe of Papuans dealing with political shamanism, loyalty and resources which can be bought for a certain amount of order or bank notes. We now consider the major achievements of domestic policy. The first – reducing the number of citizens of the country at 1.7 million. In 1991, the ROK, there were almost 17 million inhabitants. Now – nearly 15 million the skilled and educated of the population (German, Russian, Ukrainian, etc.), a total of 4 million people left the country. Economic growth in the ROK solely rests on petrodollars.