Love is not displayed in the idealization of a loved one. We all have limitations and make mistakes. And thanks to them, we can continue to grow too often, relations are damaged by being based on what we we’d like to be, and not to accept that they are, as really are. As William Shakespeare wrote: after a while you will arrange that even good people could hurt you ever and will need to forgive them there is that which we give to appoint as virtues or defects. The truth is that any quality can serve as springboard to continue learning and moving forward.

Love to ourselves and to others implies acceptance and recognition of the value that we have as human beings. That full acceptance leads to respect, the fullness and the opportunity of a more profound and beautiful encounter. The complaint and the negativity disappear. Why it extinguishes the era of falling in love?. Perhaps to find the answer you have to investigate before on another question. Of what you’d love? Maybe of your own expectations? When you’re able to accept a relationship, since a broad knowledge and responsibility, begins a strong and lasting relationship. When you choose to stay entirely accepting that person, you are granting you a beautiful opportunity to view life through kindness, tenderness and wise insight. Start all your relationships by an acceptance built in more real and less fanciful bases.