Month: November 2014

Mobile Applications For IPhone And Co, An Application Store And A New Target Group In

Planet releases a new version of the portal software Intrexx In March the software vendor releases a new version of its successful portal software United planet Intrexx. With Intrexx 5 it is now possible to create powerful websites and mobile business applications. A new edition is about the topic of enterprise portals now also for smaller companies interesting. Both editions can be expanded with completed applications from the new Intrexx application store. Fribourg, March 10, 2010. In March 2010, the Freiburg software producer United planet published a new version of its successful portal software Intrexx. The new Intrexx 5 holds some surprises: so it is now possible to create Web applications for mobile devices such as iPhone, BlackBerry, etc. Customer data, employee information, but also data from existing systems can be a special page generator quickly and easily on the mobile phone.

According to the manufacturer, you can be a complete enterprise In a few days in this way make mobile portal. The newly developed designer now also allows creating powerful intranet and Internet sites, which broadly follow the principles of accessibility. Also revised was the Intrexx process designer. He was equipped with new elements and Wizard, which facilitate the automation of business processes and provide for more flexible ways of process design. In the course of the new release, the successful Edition Intrexx Xtreme is now in Intrexx Professional ( pro) renamed. Like Intrexx Xtreme is also Intrexx professional in particular to medium-sized companies and administrations. Coinciding with the release of Intrexx 5 United planet published now for the first time also an Edition for smaller companies: Intrexx compact ( compact). While Intrexx professional portal for medium-sized companies is delivered with a complete enterprise, Intrexx compact includes an immediately effective portal for companies with up to 25 PC workstations. The portals can be accessed via a browser as well as with the Smartphone.

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New Chairman Of The BvP Association For Partner Agents In Europe E.V.

Of course, the new Chairman let consumer protection and consumer advice not disregard press release dating agency. It aims for the next few years, to enhance the professional image of reputable partner agencies and to promote. New seminar entitled modern matchmaking in connection of the single dating headhunters”( shall be brought to rethink traditional marriage Institute, matchmaking and dating. Conventional service offerings, by the partner brokers only from the own index and collected from two sides and service concepts offers its customers, a contract of six or twelve month contracts or contracts include the 5 or 10 partner proposals, are out of date. Customers expect more from a successful matchmaking. Enjoy personal attention from person to person, indefinitely until the partner for a common life is found. A service provided to the customers that do not impersonal sent to partner suggestions (where the customer is still forced, to arrange his meeting itself, what he’s mostly not able!) more acquainted with. Many customers have gone to the partner brokers, because the threshold by hand to go is so high on partner search, that they these by alone can not overcome.

The modern partner Broker helps his clients over this hurdle can move. He advises each client personally and individually, he finds the first date according to the requirements of its clients, who organized a partner who just fits, and introduces each other personally to people looking for a partner. The members’ partner agencies in the BvP Professional Association for partner agents in Europe e.V. have the necessary Know-How, visit training continuously and intensively deal with the professional training of their staff, as well as competent and personal service to their clients. The successful business concept of modern partners merge is the 100% human and personal Care of the client. A good marriage mediator never is out of service and develops further. . Information about the profession of modern dating, see education Peter Roczniok

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The more common Delegation of obligations seen in the companies is following: Manager to create and to elaborate methods of implantation, maintenance and training, continuously to inform the results to the direction through comparative reports. To make the recycling continues of the forms of if applying the system and periodically carrying through the maintenance of the managing body of the program. Coordinators to guide the collaborators on the importance you practise of them of the tasks of commanded form, to supervise the collaborators to verify if the program this being executed of the form which was passed, to promote the integration of the active and functional collaborators to the program. Agents to guide and to acquire knowledge the colleagues on the importance of if having a clean and safe place to work, to practise the program and to make with that if he fulfills to the goals of the system. Managing body to guide excessively collaborating on the importance and happened benefits of the program 5S, to verify if all are making the tasks in accordance with the considered one and of safe form. Accomplishment of auditorships and fiscalizations in all the physical space of the company periodically and to make to fulfill to the norms and objectives of the company. So that the program 5s functions of efficient form it must be proposal in set with other methods of search the quality, such as, Kaizen, TQC, Kanban among others. 4.0.1 ORGANIZATION CHART OF IMPLANTATION For the development of the program of coherent form must be followed an implantation organization chart which is used by diverse companies.

These stages must gradual be carried through. Figure 2 Imai (1992) 4.1MANUTENO OF the PROGRAM the implantation of the method is not difficult any person can make it in its sector, in its house, either where it will be. What if it becomes of certain complex form is the maintenance that demands the addition of the collective efforts.

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Internal Auditorship

The prevention of these risks understands the measures taken for the administration by means of adequate a countable system and efficient an internal control, in order to discourage its perpetration and to limit its possibility of occurrence. The adoption of controls that prevent the occurrence of frauds against the patrimony, or allows to detect them when they occur, is how much in such a way directive managemental responsibility. The constatao of the existence of frauds against the patrimony is responsibility of the administration, by means of the structure of control for determined it. (IT HISSES, ARESI AND BREDA, 2008).

All work of the department of internal auditorship if finda with the internal audit report, this is the end item of the works and thus it must be elaborated and be written of form that can be understood by the auditado one and by the high administration. That is, it is a document technician and it must obey the presentation norms, forms and objectives. The Report is the point of linking between the planned work and effectively carried through. cribes an additional similar source. It is the instrument that discloses to the administration of the company the quality and the contribution of the Internal Auditorship, its constataes, opinions techniques and recommendations.

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BELM Between

Belm 2011 WILLY DA SILVA TAVARES ARGUING ON the DISCOVERY OF the SEXUALITY IN the ADOLESCENCE Daily pay-project presented to the Course of full licenciatura in partial pedagogia as requisite to the development of the Monograph. Person who orientates: Professor (a): ———– BELM/PA 2011 APRESENTAO/JUSTIFICATIVA the subject of the sexuality is faced by the society as one ‘ ‘ tabu’ ‘ , where speech on sex in full century XXI is seen by many as something immoral, subject that only must be treated between couples, and these talked in ‘ ‘ four paredes’ ‘. When we say in relation to the adolescent and its sexual privacy, desires, or simply the curiosity that is normal of this phase of the life where it finds, since it this to discover the sensible world that hacerca. Thus related subjects sexuality are seen of banalizada form. To speak openly on this is common. However, to deal with this subject in the school is still constrangedor for many, mainly putting in consideration the religious and moral question. What it measured a frequent contradiction between the reality and the school. In consequncia, only grows the number of pregnancy in the adolescence, DST? ponographic s between young, and episodes in the interior of schools. The truth is that it arrived at the hour of a new boarding on the subject, to make some reflections on which models of sexual education must be boarded in the school, to place in guideline the necessary values, objectives and contents so that if it can include the sexual education in them.

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Software Can Be So Easy!

Flex_Hair & style, the essential software for every Barber or beauty salon casting/Pohlheim 31.08.2011 – expands its software service industry software FlexRun software Flex_Hair & style. This is a POS software, accurately directed in collaboration with renowned hairdressing establishments on the needs of the hairdressing and cosmetics trade. The minimum requirement of the Salon is already covered with the sole cash register software. The corresponding modules, the appropriate hardware until down to the all-round carefree package (hardware and software start-ready configured) offered everything from a single source and is thus ideally suited to every need and any company size also with branches. Special attention is at Flex_Hair & style among other things on the economic evaluations have been created such as: year plan target / is-business analysis to test changes / new designs.

This analysis is at any time able to recognize the development of his salon in advance. Also on the used now in practice Computerized sales validation of tax inspectors is here been reacts with evaluating validation, calculated the actual usage per application/client and staff. Thus one is able in a tax audit verifiable figures to present and not to rely on estimates and industry averages. FlexRun software remains with the industry software Flex_Hair & style your Slogon – software can easily be – again faithful. Ease of use and precise informative assistance within the software can even an untrained user of software within a very short time without any problems with Flex_Hair & style bypass.

For more detailed information see: FlexRun software: FlexRun software provides professional software programs for the commercial and technical sector and individual programming. The own developed software products include: – Business Suite FlexRunSoft (almost all commercial programs from A to Z under a surface) – industry software (Flex_Hair & style) Flex_GoldDepot, Flex_Musikschule, etc. -Standard software (Flex_Time & access, Flex_IT Manager etc. Press contact: FlexRun-software INH. Pure Heuser Ludwig 19 35415 Pohlheim Tel.: +49(0)6403/778597-0 email:

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SCHEMA GmbH To Success

20 new customer within only five months – more than 20% sales growth Nuremberg, August 30, 2011. For the SCHEMA GmbH 2011 emerged as one of the most successful years of business at all. The company has realized numerous customer accounts in the first half of the year. Thus achieved until today a sales growth of over 20% of the provider of XML-based editorial and content management systems and is well above its own planning goals. In the customer list of SCHEMA, other well-known companies lined up this year.

This AGATEC GmbH, AGATHON AG, ALTEK Hebetechnik GmbH, BECKER-Antriebe GmbH, Bruker BioSpin GmbH, Caterpillar mining, Daimler AG, DEUTA-WERKE GmbH, Deutsche Bundesbank, Fuster Consulting GmbH, Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Kaba Gallenschutz GmbH, LST GmbH, Miele & Cie KG, Roche Germany holding GmbH, software Daten service Gesellschaft m.b.h., Suzlon Energy Ltd., Toyota are material handling Europe, Wandres GmbH micro-cleaning and Bosch Rexroth AG. Last named company is SCHEMA ST4 in conjunction with the T3 eLearning framework learning Use content management system. The SCHEMA GmbH can show their expertise especially when it comes to easy to create complex documents. This has already demonstrated impressively the company in numerous projects in large and medium-sized enterprises. Base offers especially SCHEMA ST4, which can be flexibly adapted to individual requirements.

In addition, that the SCHEMA project teams work more competently and reliably. During more than 15 years history of our company we have had ready always a response to complex and sometimes unusual requests”, says Stefan Freisler, the high standard of our solutions is well known of course managing the SCHEMA GmbH. in the industry. That now many more big companies put their trust in us, we see as proof of the good reputation of our products.” This is a reason to celebrate, but also a commitment to continue to the highest demands for the SCHEMA GmbH. Reader contact SCHEMA Tel: + 49 911 586861-0 SCHEMA complex documents easily. The SCHEMA GmbH was founded in 1995 by a team of IT and documentation specialists in Nuremberg and has today more than 60 employees at four locations. The flagship”schema is the XML-based editorial and content management system SCHEMA ST4, which offers efficient functions related to the creation, management and publication of complex or large quantities of documents. Due to its scalability it is suitable for use in small editorial teams to the enterprise-wide solution for information logistics. SCHEMA ST4 in various industrial sectors successfully used, tasks related to complex documents”to solve: software documentation and help systems, technical documentation, catalogues include, Pack media solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, special solutions for public and specialist publishers and also for the contract and proposal management. SCHEMA ST4 is easy in modern IT environments can be integrated: it has been implemented in the Microsoft .NET Framework, supports the entire range of relevant documentation standards (XML, XSL: FO, DITA, etc) and has a wide range of interfaces (MS Office, Adobe CS, SAP, Documentum, SharePoint). SCHEMA is networked with renowned partners, specifically to be able to address as well as specific customer and industry solutions. The numerous customers who already deploy solutions on the basis of SCHEMA ST4, include, for example, ABB, Agilent, Avaloq, Bosch, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bundesanzeiger Verlagsgesellschaft, Carl Zeiss, Daimler, InterComponentWare, Lindauer DORNIER, MAN, Reifenhauser, Schaeffler Group, Siemens, osterreichische Bundesbahnen, Philips, STOLL, T-systems, Voith and Wolffkran. Press contacts: SCHEMA GmbH Jessica Forster marketing-Hugo-Junkers-str 15-17 90411 Nuremberg Tel: + 49 911 586861-39 fax: + 49 911 586861-70 PR agency good news! Nicole Korber of Koobrzeg road 36 GmbH 23617 Stockelsdorf Tel: + 49 451 88199-12 fax: + 49 451 88199-29

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Konigs Wusterhausen

In the treatment with the laser Palegra distinguishes three technologies: laser-cut / laser engraving /. Laser perforation. The laser-cut or Lasercut includes the outline and cut silhouettes and make fine cut-outs. These are the finest cuts from 0,5 mm and it can be much more refined than ever punched. The laser engraving with the laser beam being removed the cardboard surface.

The engraving depth can vary. The back is different as not damaged when the embossing. When the laser perforation is a fine sieve-like almost textile structure. Bringing the closely together used holes make transparent paper and cardboard to create edges or stamp teeth. Constant through pale grass research achieves top quality.

Pale grass protected stock is a result of this work. With this precision control, Palegra guarantees the maximum register accuracy. Laser finishing insert for all areas beyond the mass consumption the coating as a feature of identity is important. Stand out from the gray market, with tactile experiences inspire quality of products, and For example often mentioned terms are when it comes to the ecologically-sound refinement of papers illustrate services. Whether the product packaging or the binder for press and factsheets, with laser or engraving users are surprised and activated. Ralf Hasford, Advisor for communication (light noise ) this performs: “with small areas a well-deployed laser paper processing Verbrucher can be removed selectively from the everyday line. The surprise – in the otherwise through the online dominated printing world of homogenised products – sudden design, to be able to feel letters or the logo creates the WOW effect that opens up communication channels for messages.” Pan-European shipping laser-processed products the Palegra owners Christian and Sebastian Kanschur produce in the Berlin area and send Europe-wide their laser-processed products. Christian Kanschur this performs: “invitation card, letterhead or press kit, the laser cutting offers many Creative design possibilities as silhouette outline the edge of the paper or in the context of an otherwise die-cut window. With the perforation, however, we open up new possibilities of design. In product folders, annual reports and corporate brochures, all images can be perforated, fonts and surfaces create a transparency to the next page by using the Laserperfo and the effects in addition to surprise the reader – are huge.” In the material stable single-stage laser engraving, so both are sure the potential for exclusivity is just the implementation by means of highly specialized technology of Palegra. Hasford reflected “we give them for selective use of laser engraving 30 seconds more attention of their target audience. to In addition you can now be sure that after the positive surprise – whether invitation or packaging – products have a high residence time at the receiver and be shown several times friends or business partners. However, I plead for the conscious and economical usage the effect, because he has as a highest level of finishing a monetary price to pay.” With engravings whether in metal, plastic or paper Kanschurs know. They come from a family who celebrated 100 years of engraver’s tradition this year. The paper can be printed not only but also shaped laser, laser-cut or perforated laser, they prove now for seven years (2004). Ralf Hasford. Palegra marketing / / brand strategy consultant knowledge + project ideas: Palegra project space c/o light noise – Ralf Hasford Fugger Street 34 10777 Berlin 030 23639390 inquiries + production: Palegra laser finishing specialises in c/o printing and engraving workshop Kanschur GbR Christian Kanschur Chausseestrasse 159 15712 Konigs Wusterhausen + 49 (0) 3375 9789-010

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SafeTIC Opens Up New Sales Platform In Vienna, Austria

SafeTIC since this summer in 14 European countries present. Mannheim September 2011. SafeTIC expands its presence in Europe. The specialist for biometric security systems in Austria with a branch is now represented. Thus, the innovative and modern SafeTIC security solutions are companies now also in the Alpine Republic fully available. SafeTIC is now present in 14 European countries and the United States. The company currently operates offices in France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, the Switzerland, Luxembourg, Sweden and now also in Austria.

Ensuring a strong customer satisfaction, SafeTIC has decided for the domination of the entire value chain, including the development, production and sales as well as the installation and the technical customer service available around the clock. SafeTIC relies on strong also in Austria Collaborations. Thanks to the partnerships with the leading market participants in their respective areas of, SafeTIC cutting edge technologies developed for small and medium-sized enterprises and local authorities. Since February 2009, SafeTIC is already in this context the most important French provider of access control systems for the detection of the finger vein pattern. The BIOVEIN developed in partnership with Hitachi uses the sensor finger vein, developed by the Japanese”a. It offers companies a high-tech solution for access control, which is easy to use and is the only 100 percent tamper-proof signature of the body for the protection of access: the venous system.

SafeTIC also includes a comprehensive range of solutions for video surveillance. VisioMobile services meets the expectations of companies, businesses and corporations by offering them high security at a reasonable cost. The real-time transmission of video images on the IP network makes it possible to keep its rooms constantly in mind, and to be able to intervene at the slightest hint of danger from a distance with the owner. Against the background of a well-thought-out financial offer, SafeTIC experienced rapid international growth, essentially based on the achievements of the men and women of his team since its inception in April 2004. Today, the Group SafeTIC consists of 100 sales platforms in 14 European countries and the United States, which include a total of 1000 employees. Learn more about the Austrian Branch Office of SafeTIC are available here: about SafeTIC AG as the only European company SafeTIC AG fingerprint and finger morphology detection systems specializes in. The company is the European No 1 in the area of enterprise security as a manufacturer of biometric readers, as market leader in biometrics and Visio mobility as well as providers of Europe most commonly installed biometric access controls. The SafeTIC AG is represented in the entire value chain of security systems and has more than 15,000 customers in Europe. The SafeTIC AG is Mannheim. Amateur SafeTIC AG Jennifer Stahl Flossworthstrasse 57 68199 Mannheim Tel.: ++ 49 (0) 621 842 528 0 fax: ++ 49 (0) 621 842 528 999 E-Mail: Internet:

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Public Administration

Quality in the attendance as excellency and ethics in the public administration: a study of case in the agency of the Cross Federal government saving bank of the Souls & ndash; BA Having the quality of the attendance as goal of excellency and ethics in the Public administration, the organization has the intention to maximize the professional and motivacional performance of the human being, improving the results and consequentemente generating an attendance with quality. The attendance represents a set of activities that objective to decide the problems of the customers with cortezia and efficiency, for in such a way the total quality in the installment of these services is essential to reach the excellency being looked for to fidelizar the customers and users and also to consider to the employees the vision of changes of behaviors and attitudes as well as the acquisition of new abilities and knowledge. This article approaches the results of an analysis on the degree of satisfaction with the quality of the attendance of the Agency of the Cross Federal government saving bank of the Souls & ndash; Bahia, carried through with employees, trainees, customers and user of the services of the agency of general form. A research of the descriptive type was developed, with exploratrio study, that studied the dynamics of the daily attendance to the customers, searching to explore and to analyze the collected data. The results had subsidized the definition of the internal and external situation under the optics of the excellency and ethics, total quality, of the marketing of relationship and Services. through the gotten results is intended to demonstrate as the good attendance can favor the installment of the banking services of quality for all the team of the agency. The methodology of this work was the research of field and the bibliographical revision, since they are the responsible ones for the data presented for the evidence of the problem and the objectives.

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