The new world order, will implement a bracelet with obligatory microChips 666; this is the mark of the beast. Solicito is promoted between all the brothers that we make fasting and oration to God world-wide by this cause and we are not vaccinated, we do not accept the brave mark of the beast, arrepentios and thirst, escudriad the writings, we have the solution there. Taxco de Alarcn Guerrero to 4 of January 2010. Too frightening it turns out to see and to listen to the diverse videos exhibited in youtube that they denounce, and they document investigations and they alert of the danger that blossoming in our surroundings, on the new world order, that will implement a bracelet with obligatory microChips 666; this is the mark of the beast, mentioned in Apocalypse 13:15 – 18 Ever since they began to give him to exaggerated diffusion to a presumed pandemic of the bad call ” influenza porcina” that Virus H1N1 is really Influenza A. (Influenza Humana), when there was no epidemic and there is not yet it still, in spite of as much manipulation of means in the information to call it pandemic and all the contradictions in which as much local sanitary authorities have fallen, national and world-wide and of the governments of different countries, I am convinced than at first it suspects, that was a seeded disease but thanks to God until this moment she has been insolvent. God us retrazo rain culture broth causing that lost effect the plan of the dissemination of the disease The really alarming thing is everything what there is back of those plans of contagion with treachery and advantage, and the favouring to the laboratories that were denounced of having asked for its patent of the vaccine in the 2007, 2aos before? that peculiar! And on enrichment of the banking poster, the monetary union of North America with amero, that as soon as it is the end of the iceberg, because tying ends we can be discovering and documenting that a plan of cult to Satan is everything, to put its integrated mark to us 666 in a microChips, with which it is persecuted to handle to the human being. There are several videos, that they denounce presumed bracelet with microChips with I number 666 that the governments anywhere in the world tried to force to us to carry it. This is no understood evil, neither joke nor exaggeration we unite efforts to avoid that the new world order from Government to the service of the evil is implanted of this form. nix Ancient Art oftentimes addresses this issue.
New World Order
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