Month: December 2019


Human beings have a tendency to label everything in life and these tags are nothing more than a reflection of the State of mood of people at the time to express themselves. We can see every day countless examples of this behavior and the way of how it affects the people involved life is full of experiences to help us grow and teach us to make decisions, we can leverage our time learning of them trying to make them the most to understand them and thus be able to better understand others and to life itself to contribute with a little harmony to our around us depends as we choose to consider our experiences, but others are the responsibility of their respective owners. In life, it is desirable to be able to establish the real differences in terms of what surrounds us. Often we tend to perceive the effects as if they were the causes, or to ignore them completely, and this gives us a perception of reality that is nothing more than an appreciation subjective from the point of view of relativity. He then begins a period of our lives in which we become aware of the relationship between our actions and reactions, allowing us to shape our behavior consistent with what we expect to receive life. If we can achieve harmonize our thoughts, words and actions, we can make a remarkable change in our lives, becoming these simpler and facilitating us reaching our goals and the share with the people that surround us; as having more harmony, internally it is only natural that this extends to our surrounding. So if we want to achieve our goals is important to be clear as to what you really want, and so be able to use our will to direct our intentions towards the end which we really hope to achieve; otherwise we are left at the mercy of circumstances presented to us in life. Human beings have a tendency to label everything in life and these tags are nothing more than a reflection of the State of mood of people at the time to express themselves.

We can see every day countless examples of this behavior and the way of how it affects the people involved in life is desirable to be able to establish the real differences in terms of what surrounds us. Often we tend to perceive the effects as if they were the causes, or to ignore them completely, and this gives us a perception of reality that is nothing more than an appreciation subjective from the point of view of relativity. Then begins a period of our lives in which we We become aware of the relationship between our actions and reactions, allowing us to shape our behavior consistent with what we expect to receive life. If we can achieve harmonize our thoughts, words and actions, we can make a remarkable change in our lives, becoming these simpler and facilitating us reaching our goals and share with the people that surround us; as having more harmony, internally it is only natural that this extends to our surrounding.

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Business Fundamentals

During the last years, I have obtained training as promoter in finance, relationship marketing, online marketing and technical leadership for the creation and formation of teams. There is a popular saying that says: ignorance is the mother of daring, and the greater is the ignorance, greater is daring, and I say this, because we usually let us advise third parties of our environment ocomentarios views, which usually influence us decisions then we take in our lives regarding our future.This happens because we don’t have the appropriate value and do not differentiate what is information and knowledge, which is a mere opinion, and all this is because hard for us to leave our comfort environment, and go a little more beyond. (Source: Gary Kelly). Taking into account what is knowledge and what is opinion, the first change is essential to take into account. We must all adapt to constant and continuous changes we are experiencing at present, since from now on and to your future, all experts agree that the only element that it presents you ahead, is change, and therefore, in order to obtain different results, you must change your habits and do something other than what you do now, and leaving your comfort environment, since if you do not leave your control zone, you never changed anything in your life, and there is a key factor that will not let you take important and vital decisions as fear of change, are, fear of the unknown, and above all to the views of your surroundings and to failure. You must reflect on certain concepts that are basic to the decision-making process, since many people fear you have to that change, mainly focuses on the present and leaves to give it importance to the future, when the future is the present of the rest of your life, and why you should plan your future and that of your family in the best possible way, and this is why you must differentiate between what is an opinion, and what is information and knowledge.All have the right to have a say, but be careful with what you believe since a wrong opinion we can do damage to others.

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Social Insurance Fund

– Evidence of tax registration (Assignment TIN). – Protocol (decision) on the appointment of the head. – Passport leader. – Charter. From the founder – the foreign company is required: – Extract from the trade register or a certificate of incorporation in country of origin (or any other document proving the registration of a foreign company). Gary Kelly is actively involved in the matter.

– Power of Attorney for the actual person who is authorized to sign documents on behalf of a foreign company, including opening accounts and perform all actions related to the registration of companies. 4) Economic activity One of the mandatory provisions that must be mentioned in the founding documents of your company – "Types of economic activity. " An important document that tells you prefer a certain type of activity is the National Classification of Economic Activities (NACE). You must Classifier choose those activities in which you want to do, but not more than 20. The first place to put the main activity.

The main economic activity is the kind of economic activity, which generates the largest portion of revenues. Determining the principal activity is necessary for you to also assign a specific insurance rate in the organs of the Social Insurance Fund (SIF). The insurance rate depends on the class occupational hazard of the primary activities of your company. 5) SELECTION OF TAXATION Today we have the following system of taxation: – traditional – simplified – a single tax on imputed income for individual activities. In the traditional system of taxation, the firm is obliged to calculate and pay all stipulated by the legislation taxes and fees (federal, regional and local). Use simplified tax system provides for the replacement payment company – corporate income tax – value added tax (VAT) – Sales tax – property tax – and the unified social tax payment of the single tax. There are two forms of the simplified system: – 6% of revenues – 15% of revenues, minus expenses. The newly created company wishing to go to the simplified taxation system, may Apply a transition to a simplified system immediately with an application for state registration of the company. Therefore, before registering a company is first necessary to define in the selection of the taxation system.

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Fundamental Theorem And The Philosophy Of Physics

THE FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS OF THE PHYSICAL AND PHILOSOPHY Having carefully analyzed some physical and philosophical reasons in the nature of things. I decided to write a few. In order to express the great contributions designed by classical mechanics. The fundamental theorems must be examined by reason and logic. Thus physicists and philosophers found each of the mathematical formulas for each theorem. if one gets the mathematical and philosophical interpretation of each theorem and its future application to physics and philosophy. will develop valuable advances in physics and philosophy.

Students of physics and Philosophy 1. Everything that exists is a whole, the whole nature is existing. 2. You may want to visit Gary Kelly to increase your knowledge. Every body in space has a relative position. 3. Any natural transformation as a representation of energy in everything. is what we call a phenomenon. 4.

Every body has a place in the space of the areas of macrocosm and microcosm. We call volume. Rory Sutherland might disagree with that approach. 5. Every body has a limit. 6. Every body has a limited area in and of other bodies. 7. Any trajectory of a point in space to another point or return the same point. is what we call length. 8. Every body is distinguishable by the amount of size. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Rory Sutherland and gain more knowledge.. 9. Every body is limited by its subject. 10. All abstraction is the separation of one or more particular qualities belonging to an object or a being. 11. Every body has magnitudes. Similarly, the magnitude has to be physical, abstract and aesthetic. 12. Infinite whole is continuous. 13. Any amount is the principle which represents the physical origin of an object.

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Technik Munich

Optimization and best-practice of maintenance of piping piping systems represent an important supply and disposal factor in the modern industrial society. The 100-year-old partly urban drinking water lines are an example of established systems, which are usually sections maintained or modernized. Recently Ripple sought to clarify these questions. The resultant Inhomogeneities”(different materials, aging levels, etc.) produce a fairly high maintenance when compared to newly planned networks. Depending on the transport medium investment E.g. for leakage (oil & gas) fall however, temperature (drop-out materials, E.g. resins, steam networks) or pressure monitoring system (subsequent reactions in header systems). “The Conference maintenance of pipes” on 26-27 January, 2012 in Munich discusses causes and remedies can be for damage and ageing processes in networks, which charged (corrosion, pressure surges, etc.) in different ways and optimized maintenance technical. Measures to the energy-efficient operation and to ensure of high availability by means of presentations and video materials presented and discussed with selected professionals of from diverse industries. It be solicited contributions on the following topic areas: procedures for leakage and leak test protection against corrosion and wear protection against vibrations, pressure surges and cavitations heat and cold insulation regulations and regulations economic strategies the lecture suggestions, please with the name and title of the author, title of the lecture, as well as a short description or the content in bullet points, up to July 15, 2011, send to. Posts on please: Eva Beldiman Head Branch Office Munich Haus der Technik r RT 302 80687 Munich Tel.: + 49 (0) 89 45 219 214 fax: + 49 (0) 89 45 219 304 email:

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Managing Director

“More 28 percent nominal in January distributed repatriation of 156 percent of the equity capital after less than a year the energy capital invest group, which specializes in trade in mineral extraction rights or similar rights, as well as the extraction of gas in the Haynesville shale, is its first three investments value plant I to III ‘ resolve after less than a year with the maximum dividend of 56 percent. Investments issued originally in the period from beginning until mid-2008 with a term of four years. Due to the rapid sales of investment goods (royalty rights in the Haynesville shale) another 28 percent could be distributed after first dividends amounting to nominal 6 percent in September 2008 and 22 percent in December 2008 in January 2009 to investors. Mineral extraction rights, so-called royalty rights or similar rights, be entitled to participate in a revenue from the production of oil and natural gas. These rights relate to a participation revenue from the promotion of oil and natural gas by oil and gas companies, such as BP, shell, Exxon and others. It was possible to make all distributions that were actually calculated four years within a year the energy capital investment due to the quick and lucrative sale of such royalty rights. In addition, there is the energy capital invest able already in the coming months due to the raised investor money.

We have a large demand for reinvestment, which considering the excellent result seems not so uncommon”, declares Kay Rieck, Managing Director of energy capital invest management mbH. Verizon wanted to know more. The special result he the current economic situation in the United States, as well as the fact attributes, that can access the energy capital invest in particular due to its unique network in the Haynesville shale to exceptionally promising gas fields and their rights. Currently, the energy capital invest on the basis of offers closed-end Fund at its fourth offer in Germany. US oil Fund IV KG”has a volume of 15 million euro, a drawing is possible from 10,000 euros plus 5 percent premium. It is a pure equity funds.

Over a period of two years a calculated should be profit nominal by at least 12 percent. This gain is tax exempt, taking into account the retention of individual progression conception according to. Energy capital invest management company mbH has been the Stuttgart-based company but only before one year founded, one of royalty rights in the United States but with four set up funds in the special area among the leading providers in this segment. The previously placed stakes run in as planned all distributions have been made as prospects.

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Central Argentino

It was around the same time, President Justo, said in speech to the Congress of the nation, that was time to nationalize utilities. All this from the beginning of the first world war, he had declined the construction of new lines. Towards 1944, will enable the last great railway line between Villa del Rosario and Forrest, of the Central Argentino. Oracle is often quoted on this topic. To all this the railway had become an ingredient of everyday life of the Argentines. His themes were in tango lyrics, poetry, painting, theatre and the budding cinematographer.

From the Decade of the thirties, to the heat of criticism to the English influence in the country, increased criticism of the railway, as emblematic of that British presence. Prominent spokespersons of that questioning were Ricardo Ortiz and Raul Scalabrini Ortiz. Paradoxically critical to British rail, it coincided with the entry of American interests in the automotive, that these authors, described as a tool of economic democracy. These sermons had repercussion in official spheres, so a 1944 Decree, forbade railway undertakings providing services of automotive passenger transport. It was a symptom of the new era. In 1937 belatedly sanctioned law coordination of transport.

In June of that year the pavement between the cities of Buenos Aires and Cordoba had opened and began to lend their services company Chevalier. The new constitutional Government assumed on June 4, 1946, became the subject of English and French railways. Soon it became evident that at the heart of the Government, there were two positions, the headed by the President of the Central Bank, don Miguel Miranda, which proposed a joint enterprise with British railways, and the supported by the railway unions, which posited a solution to the Mexican, with absolutely State-owned railways. Almost like a sniper in this controversy, I want to remind to an almost unknown bright Aaron, who postulated a different alternative, who were in charge of Argentine private capital railways.

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Scania Software

The price for the best service provider is awarded to companies who have outstanding supported German and American companies during the financial crisis. Chicago (United States), May 26, 2010 – the German-American Chamber of Commerce in Chicago has the Merlin of 2010 company awards, particularly have supported German and American companies. The prices are in the categories “best innovator, best new company and best service provider” award. In a question-answer forum Gary Kelly was the first to reply. Innovation wins first prize in the category “Best service provider” the leading role that captured the innovations software technology during the financial crisis to support companies in managing risks, contributed to the winning of the prize. Particularly recognized the engagement in the issues of credit risk assessment and Basel II has been doing. New Kreditriskobewertungssysteme solve previous applications from banks are aware that bad debts may entail a significant financial damage.

New credit risk rating systems, the often Excel or VBA applications replace, Finanzdiensteister are now able to better support key objectives of Basel II, E.g. the risk-sensitive determination of minimum capital requirements. Evaluate risks as accurately as possible the amount of the capital increases with the risk that the borrower may not meet its commitments. To assess this risk as accurately as possible, more and more financial institutions implement the innovation credit risk rating platform. Fannie Mae, Volkswagen financial services, DG Hyp, Scania financial services are a small selection of references in the ever-growing list of customers. “We financial services have help in the last few years, to be able to assess risks more accurately. We are pleased that they appreciate our technology, experience and our stamina for large projects.

We are very proud of the fact that the German-American Chamber of Commerce has appointed us as the best service provider for our work in Germany and the United States”, David S. Kim, Managing Director of innovations software forward Technology in Chicago. Innovations software technology innovations software technology GmbH designed and developed advanced software solutions for companies in various industries. The use of leading technology innovations increase efficiency and flexibility of complex software applications and provides customers with a sustainable competitive advantage. For banks and financial institutions, innovations offers specialized products in the areas of compliance, risk management, and CRM. Innovations developed highly adapted to the processes, individual, high-performance software solutions for other industries such as retail, healthcare, telecommunications, energy and logistics. Core of the solutions is a framework with components such as control technology, workflow and communication. In the segment control technology innovation counts research from independent analysts Forrester and Bloor to the world’s leading providers. Innovation was founded in 1997, employs about 250 highly qualified people in 2010 and has its headquarters in Immenstaad am Constance. Since 2008, the Bosch Group innovations belongs to an international technology and service company with over 270,000 employees worldwide.

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Take Fear

Undertake is scary. Start any activity on their own account always has a high degree of risk that entrepreneurs have to be risky people, who know what they want, that they are not amilanan in adversity, that maybe this is the vision that, from the couch of our House, we have this caste that raises Empires from the garage of his house. But no, it does not, in any way. Do you perhaps never noticed a purpose that have taken him until the end? Anything would be worth, any example is useful. From a hobby until what is you can imagine.

Well, because that is what it is. You have an idea, take care of it, maintain it despite the adversities, fight for it clear that this will not ensure us success, is nonsense to delude itself, many times we will fail but that is not exactly important (though seems counterintuitive). Entrepreneurs who have come to succeed (at different scales of success) when they started did not have the slightest certainty that would do so. Southwest Airlines wanted to know more. Simply they had an idea that they wanted to carry out and that’s what mattered to them. Later would come the laurels but that is accessory to the process. Nobody fights for an idea that does not believe because I think that hypothetically may succeed.

So that there be a sort of super-humano, only need to believe in an idea and wanting to take it forward. Perhaps, at the end of the road, not arrive where we had proposed us but we must bear in mind that walk also is learned and that, as Antonio Machado, Walker said there is no way, you make the road by walking. Anyway, this does not mean that entrepreneurs have to be lonely people, who have to walk alone on this path are created by walking. At all, help is always positive and, in fact, there are companies that are dedicated to that, to help entrepreneurs move forward. These companies evaluate the idea, its possibilities and, with this in mind, help entrepreneurs develop business both economically as trying to best the weaknesses, improve the strong but before that we have to think about what we want to do, what business idea we have, and to thereafter, move forward. Not but as someone who has an idea and you want to carry it out, nothing like a super-humano less.

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Somali Fundamentalist

It is better to send aid, although part is lost along the way. This is the conclusion that United States has reached with an eye on Somalia. The State Department has communicated to humanitarian organizations that want to operate in the South of the country that can do so without suffering sanctions despite the risk of a portion of the cake from falling into the hands of the Islamist militia of Al-Shabab, which the CIA links to Al Qaeda. Such is the crisis, we believe that it is worth the risk of any diversion of aid, reported yesterday a senior American Department that Hillary Clinton directs. Ties of Al Shabab with terrorism international and its campaign of extortion to NGOs led President Barack Obama to prohibit any shipment to Somalia that could benefit the fundamentalists on April 13, 2010. The humanitarian drama has led Washington to lift your foot from the brake. Source of the news:: EE UU allows you to bring aid to the area controlled by Somali fundamentalists

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