Today, during a commitment I decided to pass for some streets of the quarters of the Coluband and Alcntara Garden collecting some images of irregularities, that the local authorities follow daily and nothing they make. I am trying to give a service for the local population, alerting the authorities through this important vehicle of communication. When waking up, the water not yet had returned. Since day 03/04/2010 the water supply was compromised in the region. Always in commemorative dates, as native, new year, carnival, the supplying service is interrupted. Simply the supplying is off in these days, causing situations many constrangedoras times for the people who leave to travel and is in its residences.

The CEDAE the least would have to explain because this happens. Alcntara, Alcntara Garden, Garden Catherine, Coluband, Av. Maric, etc, are without water since 03/04/2010. How we can live thus? With these instabilidades/inconstncias in the basic services. does not stop there for Photo: Philip SouzRua Cndido of the Light Paiva – Coluband – They are Gonalo – RJAo to open my door and to go in direction the street I noticed that the GARBAGE still was there and very bigger. This is another service that presents instability in all Is Gonalo.

I live in the Coluband and this is plus a service that also leaves to function in commemorative dates, already cited above. INDIFFERENCE. The authorities would have to also prepare more the staff of the collection. For example, much is said in selective collection, select garbage, that the necessary population if to acquire knowledge It will be that the government also prepares its staff of field, invests in equipment and security of its workers? Here, gari is easy to notice one working without no equipment and the garbage that as much is said in select, simply goes stops waters allow the infestation of the mosquito of the affection.