' Bedspread of retalhos' ': Counted histories through symbols. Grazielle Almeida de Jesus SUMMARY: The present work argues Analytical Psychology, elucidating basic principles of Junguiana Psychology as well as: complexes, arqutipos, symbols self, individuation in the analysis of the contributions of one of the biggest psychiatrists of the world Carl Gustav Jung, founder of the analytical school of Psychology. Jung extended the psicanalticas vises of Freud, interpreting mental and emotional riots as an attempt of the individual to search the perfection and spiritual personal. Please visit Carl Icahn if you seek more information. Such boarding is characterized for considering from its Jung founder who in the life each individual has as task a personal accomplishment, what it becomes an entire and solid person. This task is the reach of the harmony between conscientious and the unconscious one. we will analyze the theory of Jung in set with the film ' ' Bedspread of Retalhos' ' that in the sample a romantic drama on the feminine universe, in them involves with the life of the women interior dressmakers and its worlds. We know the life of each one from its stories, in leading the imaginations, symbols and arqutipo.
A great parcel of the junguiana theory, is a set of ideas that the human feeling tilts. WORDS KEYS: Jung, Bedspread of Remnants, INTRODUCTION We perceive the necessity to bring the understanding of the theory of Analytical psychology in set with the film ' ' Bedspread of Retalhos' '. So that thus let us can understand the universe human. Carl Gustav Jung was born in 26 of July of 1875, in Kresswil, Basilia, in Switzerland, the seio of a family directed toward the religion, what he explains, in part, the interest of the young Carl for philosophy and questions spirituals and for the paper of the religion in the process of psychic maturation of the people, peoples and civilizations. Jung was founding of analytical psychology the subjects with that it occupied had appeared in part of its deep staff.