which possuam values sempadres, and the perishable ones, leading to the damage, thus disabling, I accumulate depatrimnio. After the discovery of the metal, perceived that this would be the meiomais efficient and safe for transactions, being able to standardize and to stipulate values. Later the domain of the man on the metal became each time more eficaza its interests, allowing the confection of valuable utensils, and cunhagem damoeda representative in series discriminating the value and region of origin. This way of payment the merchandises, allowed to oarmazenamento of values, making possible the increase of wealth and patrimony. Suaevoluo still brought the chance of titulao in paper currency, produzidospor regions for its respective governments, which was responsible peladistribuio and standardization of the money. Currently, in the civilized world porcompleto is used the way of money printed matter for commercialization erepresentao of values, these relative ones the legislation of its respectivosgovernos, represented since small values in currencies, and gradual tituladosno printed matter, always respecting governmental norms. It is important to understand the creation of notes in Brazil: The creation of the Bank of Brazil, pormeio of License of 12 of October of 1808, had for main objective to endow Coroa with an instrument for survey of the necessary resources to manutenoda cut.

In accordance with its statutes, obanco would have to emit payable tickets to the carrier, with values from 30mil kings. The emissions of the Bank had had beginning in 1810 and from 1813 foramemitidos tickets with values below of the inicialmenteestabelecido minimum limit. Between 1813 and 1820, them 8,566 stories of kings emissesatingiram, to a large extent determined for fornecimentode currency-paper to make face to the increasing expenditures of the cut and regal daadministrao, that annually exceeded the revenue receipts. To break de1817, the tickets of the Bank had started to lose the credibility, suffering grandedesvalorizao. In April of 1821, before to deregressar Portugal, the king and all its cut had rescued all the notes in seupoder, changing them for currencies, metals and jewels deposited in the Bank, compelling ainstituio to suspend, from July, the conversibilidade of tickets.