If we left some specific terms excessively, we called conditioned air to the qualified element to change to the atmosphere of a stay or certain place changing the temperature, humidity, circulation and purity of the same, reaching this way the highest well-being after the client. (Source: Icahn Enterprises). This would correspond to a simple definition, perotambin is necessary to realise explanations in varioscriterios to understand correctly which is funcionamientodel conditioned air inside a common space. In order to begin, it is recommended to develop it form in which an equipment is made up of this type: the conditioned air is compound por2unidades, one located in the outside and other located in interiordel cockpit or of the premises. As much the outer unit interiorvan as it united to copper traverse deconductos that needs to have the measurement justadeancho so that origineuna does not damage. While estanciaes passes the summer unidadsituado dentrode the one in charge to absorb the heat of the atmosphere of a closed place, exportndoloposteriormenteal exteriora traverse of before mentioned copper pipes.
To vezla same unit located in interiorse occupies to provide an air pure agradabley within the agreement and formasemejante house seleccionadaantes wing temperature by the client. In the winter the form to act of both units is prcticamenteel same but on the contrary, that is to say, the splitsituado one in the interior deals with making enter the air the interior of the conduit that provides supplying to the calorific pump, without which is not possible to make act a system of this type with the option to warm up. The airs with heat pump every time gain more followers, since among others aspects are much more economic at the time of serving to heat to the interior of a home or the premises. Speaking in numbers, an air with heat pump by each KwH of potenciaelabora a three total of KwH, whereas calefaccinque works with electricity of apt traditional way nicamentees paraabastecerun KwH with idnticapotencia. Between certain of prestacionesextra of a conditioned air system we also have the one to provide a valid humidity level within the place – close of 40 and a 60% of humidity resultaaconsejable- and the one of higienizar aireempleando the filters of split that is in the interior, due to quedetienen the passage of all the molecules which allergic causarafecciones can and in addition work in order to avoid as heavy scents as for many he is olorde the cigarettes.