Another fifteen or twenty years ago, has begun to repair the apartment, you would never for a moment thinking about the design of ceilings. The ceiling should be covered with neat, even layer of whitewash. But times have changed, now the ceiling design paid no less attention than the design room. Ceiling can completely transform your interior color scheme, allows zonirovat room and focus on certain elements of design. So, to you have carried out repairs completed form to it please the eye, creating a complete sense of comfort, and that the neighbors jealous, you should think about the design of the ceiling. There are several ways to design ceiling, below we mention them in order of increasing cost and complexity of work. The easiest (albeit very dirty) version of the design – a painting or whitewashing the ceiling. If you decide to stop at this, remember: 1) this work must be tackled at an early stage to repair the walls and floor, and 2) the ceiling must be perfectly flat, otherwise all of his shortcomings will be evident.

And although this type of design ceiling will seem boring to most, this is not so. When painting ceiling color may overlap with certain elements of the interior: the color of doors, walls, curtains, and maybe a favorite vase (who knows what a flight of your design ideas). You can divide the ceiling on area, painted a different color, so you can do with whitewash, its color a bit. The next way to design ceiling – self-adhesive ceilings.