Publicist Bernhard Kuntz explains service providers how they press work with the exalted specialist for…’ can acquire and gain new customers. With PR on touting: Press work for lone, service providers and consulting professions as is the title of a new PR Advisor, which is published by BusinessVillage. In the 210-seitigen book, the marketing and PR specialist Bernhard Kuntz explains how service providers such as tax -, IT – and business consultant, but also architects, therapists and lawyers with press work can increase their awareness; “Furthermore, with publications in print and online media as its reputation as a specialist for…” can consolidate. Bernhard Kuntz, who already wrote several books of services marketing, describes in detail also how freelancers and owners of small businesses actively can use articles to win customers and orders. The Advisor with PR on touting”consists of eleven chapters.
In the first three chapters you will learn “Readers, why an active press work for specialists” is becoming increasingly important in an increasingly connected world. Furthermore, what distinguishes the press work in print and online media from such marketing tools such as the sending of Werbebriefen and ads. In Chapter 4, the author service providers then explains how they can develop a PR concept that fits your goals and your budget of time and money. And in the chapters 5-7? In them is mediated the necessary knowledge of journalistic writing and the different types of text in a kind of crash course. So Bernhard Kuntz explains, the holder of the marketing and PR agency PRofilBerater, Darmstadt () is, for example, how to develop new and interesting for the press article topics; Furthermore, how to write press releases, articles and project reports.
Numerous practical examples make sure that what is written for the reader is easy to understand and implement. In Chapter 8 to 10 explains Bernhard Kuntz himself many years Editor of daily newspapers and magazines was the freelancers and small business owners, how they should proceed with the provision of articles and what qualifies to be considered for publishing in online media. He describes in detail how service providers can use articles to the acquisition of customers and orders. And in Chapter 11? There, the author dares views, as the press and communications landscape will change through the triumph of social media. He also warns of several traps in the freelancers and similar service providers such as the tweeting and blogging often fall. PR – Guide by Bernhard Kuntz is characterized by a very simple and graphic language, so that it is easily understandable also for laymen. Also you can feel when reading: the author is even small business owners and service providers. Therefore, he knows the problems that often faces the audience of his book in everyday work.