Berlin energy consultants specializes in advising homeowners constantly rising energy prices and climate damage caused by CO2 emissions can be more and more builders and property owners are looking for more economical, climate – and environmentally friendly ways to heat your homes. Therefore pay attention more and more property owners when the renovation on a certain amount of renewable energy. But caution that without qualified energy consulting should not house renovated or rebuilt. Not seldom much money will prove issued for allegedly environmentally friendly, energy-saving heating systems such as heat pumps and solar systems, in hindsight the expensive wrong investment so the energy advisor Jorg Thomas. Therefore his newly founded company TiB engineering services, consultancy and sales Ltd.
has focused on the Group of rehabilitation willing house owners. The stated goal of the company is to advise the homeowner not only comprehensive but to propose just such solutions, the in a few years amortize. It’s not that as much as possible to save, but finding an optimum balance between costs and benefits maximum savings at lowest cost. Some homeowners believe it is sufficient to reduce heating costs, to an old oil or gas heating for a heat pump – Exchange. “But in a moderate heat-insulated House an old heating system through an air / water heat pump to replace, is waste of money and even environment” so the energy consultants and Dipl.-ing., Jorg Thomas. Because what is saved in this case to oil or gas costs, must be issued for power.
As for the generation of electricity but almost three times as much fossil energy is required, also the CO2 emissions is correspondingly high. Only a comprehensive redevelopment with detailed inventory and care by a qualified energy advisor guarantee long-lasting reduction in the heating costs and CO2 emissions. According to Jorg Thomas it is almost possible at an oil price of almost EUR 0.70 / litre, the cost to pay for a reasonable remediation from the saved heating costs alone. The renovation as well as the energy advice be encouraged. So a subsidy may apply for the prior on-site energy advice by 50% of the consulting fee, up to a maximum of 300 EUR, the Federal Office of Economics and export control (BAFA). For remediation exist several programs with the Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau.