In an otherwise critical market environment, the gross assets of Germans grows significantly. As wealth report shows global worth 4.7 trillion euro Alliance a gross asset value worldwide of 103.3 trillion euros. Increasingly, investors however think about how they can protect their money before inflation. The real estate funds of SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) offer a good alternative here. “” It’s a little bit like, as have Germany is economically considered by the flattened Europe “decoupled”, financial analyst at the underwriter SHB says innovative fund concepts AG Hans Gruber This statement is based on current figures, as it reflects wealth report Global Alliance. But also, according to the Federal Statistical Office gross domestic product rose 2012 0.5 percent in the first three months, in the second quarter, after all, still by 0.3 percent. And the Institute for economic research (IFO) goes from a growth of 0.7 per cent – but under the condition, that is the Europe-wide debt crisis aggravated not further and slowly pulls the economy.

The pulse triggered this could mean so the IFO, that a stable employment with appropriate wage settlements further stabilizes the consumption rate in Germany and thus to stimulate demand. The rest is economy: an increased demand and consumption increases the number of employees and thus the gross domestic product. Germany shows good inclinations, to emerge from the valley floor. However, this development is accompanied by a rising inflation rate. For this year, the experts 1.6 percent expect higher rate, it should be already 2.2 percent next year. If we therefore assume that enough money is, remains only to clarify the question, whether because sufficient alternatives there are in which this money can be invested”, as the financial expert of the SHB innovative fund concepts AG. And because it looks currently bleak, because issued Government securities of at least safe countries offer little more interest on. And also otherwise barely adequate yields are on the capital market, which beat the rate of inflation in the medium term.

The alternative is real value”, so Gruber. This explains also the run by private investors and institutional investors for real estate. If a real estate offers me after costs in the medium term a four per cent rental yield, it is always more interesting than a money plant, which languishes out just in front of him and shows little perspectives”, a Munich-based real estate agent manifests itself clearly. Many see this as. However, the supply of good investment opportunities in property investments, so real estate now in Germany is scarce. Here, the real estate funds offer a successful alternative SHB innovative fund concepts AG also for investors wishing to invest in manageable sizes. Because the funds are not only professionally managed, what goes hand in hand with an intensive support of the real estate. The funds offer investors also diversification in terms of the investment and the location. This ultimately leads to reasonable returns you can expect from a good investment. For more information,