H. Deville Elaboration of Cardpios de Alta Gastronomia: Entrances Flvia Silveira Elaboration of Cardpios de Alta Gastronomia: Entrances. Practical Julio Head Rock H. Deville Prescription Elaboration of Meats of Animal Origin Using Condiments. Head Flvia teaching Silveira in the UNISINOS Prescription Elaboration of Meats of Animal Origin Using> Condiments. Practical Head Mauro de Sousa, Sheraton Prescription Elaboration of Meats of Animal Origin Using Condiments Head Flvia teaching Silveira in the UNISINOS Prescription Elaboration of Meats of Practical Animal Origin Using Condiments Head Mauro de Sousa, Sheraton Cardpios Gastronmicos for Guests Nutrition in Hotels, Fitness Center and SPA: Scientific evidences Nutric. of the Kurotel Janana Fischborn, Specialist in Cln Nutrition. Functionary Cardpios Gastronmicos for Nutric Guests.
of the Kurotel Janana Fischborn, Espec. in Cln Nutrition. Functional Prescription Elaboration: Garrisons Head Flvia teaching Silveira in the UNISINOS Prescription Elaboration: Garrisons practical Lesson of garrisons Julio Head Rock, H. Deville Prescription Elaboration: Garrisons Head Flvia teaching Silveira in the UNISINOS Prescription Elaboration: Garrisons Practical practical Lesson of garrisons Julio Head Rock, H Deville Food and Beverages Tec. of Alimentos and Dr Neila Richards Sensorial Analysis of Foods and Drinks Food and Beverages Technologist of Alimentos and Dr Neila Richards Finger Food and Fusion Food, Confort Food, Slow Food and Raw Food Head Flvia teaching Silveira in the UNISINOS Prescription Elaboration.
Finger Food and Fusion Food, Confort Food, Slow Food and Raw Practical Food Head Mauro de Sousa, Sheraton Finger Food and Fusion Food, Confort Food, Slow Food and Raw Food Head Flvia Silveira doc. in the UNISINOS Prescription Elaboration. Finger Food and Fusion Food, Confort Food, Slow Food and Raw Practical Food Head Mauro de business-oriented Sousa, Sheraton Management in Feeding and Nutrition Marlise Potrick business-oriented Stefani Management in Feeding, Nutrio and Consultoria Hoteleira Luis Gustavo Patrucco Fitoterapia Applied in the Gastronomia Nutric. Dr Heloisa Oak the Job of Grass in the Kitchen and the Teas Practical Head Mamadou Vakhabe of the SENAC Fitoterapia Applied in the Gastronomia Nutric. Dr Heloisa> Layout Mestre and Espec. Arquit. Jober Cavalli Layout of Kitchens To know and to argue aspects technician of a Practical kitchen Mestre and Espec. Architect Jober Cavalli Nutric. Espec. Fabola Regianini Enterprising Education Education and Enterprising Behavior Empreendedorismo and Auto-Job Luis Gustavo Patrucco Management of the Quality in Hotels Standards of the Hotelaria, Used Tools, the Importance of the Occult Customer Letcia Bins, Manager of Lodging and Manager of Quality of the Sheraton Personal Management Professional Profile To enter the Market of Work, Interpersonal Communication Ktia Psychologist Hail, professor in the SENAC Personal Management Leadership, Emotional Balance in the Work Ktia Psychologist Hail, professor in the SENAC Parcelamos in up to 15 X in the Card>