I am the namorada one of the Karl; I am without cellular and necessary much speech with it. You could deliver this note to it? what the employee, harvested of surprise, answered; – Immediately, senhorita. It will be a pleasure! Only when they had come back to the car, Agate confessed the small trick to the Dr. Antunes. It did not comment nothing, but he was satisfied when knowing that the man that they looked was in the Bank. It immediately repassed the information to the Dr. Calequim, that was thankful.

Now, it was alone to extend the net and to wait that passarinho fell. But the things did not walk so tranquilamente in the Consulate of the Province. Lientai professor, senior council member of the Consulate, relief person in the community, was furious, esbravejando> as much in its room, that the shouts were heard of the street. The victim of its verbal incontinence was nobody little than the General Consul, the honorable one Hominton, that everything listened of head low, without spirit to react. In the Countries of hard line, the staff diplomatist of career, as much in the embassies how much in the consulates, he has lost, throughout the years, much of its autonomy and its traditional exemptions.

Commissioners politicians, dissimulated of some form under positions of obscure names, as assistants, vice cultural attachs, sub artistic assessors, advising aids, in the reality make use of ample being able politician and impose severity in the behavior, to prevent shunting lines, ideological or of another nature. Clearly he is that also this staff is not immune to the temptations and thus, to the times, some of them is called in return or simply it disappears of the representation diplomatics without leaving tracks. It is there that our reporter enters again, the Emiliano, always that it observes constantly, without becoming to notice.