The Internet as potential clients are all network users, is important only mechanism for communicating information to them. 3Sozdanie and support the company’s image: the company’s website no longer is luxury and serves many functions, among which are the following: Strengthens the position and raise the company’s image in the market; an operational tool for sales and marketing department; Drops fertile ground for further activities and successful .4Rasshirenie opportunities for the client: To provide customer information it needs – one of the key factors of successful business. Thanks Internet technology support for clients can be more effective and responsive. Your website must not only contain a standard set of information about the company, products or services, but also to ensure effective interaction between the departments of your company, customer and supplier.
This in turn will increase customer satisfaction, which in turn will increase the profitability of your .5Dostupnost information: Just a few years ago, the company needed at least a few days in order to bring to customers information about new products or change specifications. Today, thanks to the Internet, you can convey this information in a few hours by posting it on the website. costs: New technology allows a complete transaction process, including: commercial request, offer, procurement and order exposure account. Simplification of business processes enables companies to significantly reduce costs. For example: the process of transaction via the Internet reduces the cost of procurement of supplies by 5-10%, storage costs by 25 – 50% administrative costs of procurement, even up to 70% .7 The ability to work 24 hours a day: The biggest advantage of online-business lies in the fact that it is available 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world for you and for your customers and sales are just around the clock.
The actual location of your company does not really matter, since monitoring of the implementation and conduct of transactions carried out through the Internet. 8Minimalnye initial investment: To create a Web site does not need a large financial investment. You can find the Internet a variety of free or inexpensive programs that can help you create a website from scratch. Many business portals provide services for its members to create sites from templates and it is quite nedorogo.9 possibility of Globalization: With the Internet you can go global business with minimal investments. There are literally hundreds of horizontal and vertical electronic trading platforms available on the network. These sites allow you for a nominal fee to get access to a large audience of potential customers from all over the world. If your company does not sell via the Internet, then you need to take steps to organize this, to: open a new distribution channel, increase competitiveness, expand the market, reduce costs and increase profitability.