On the Internet there are many types of income. Conventionally, they can be divided into two types – web money on your site and earnings in the Internet without a website. Usually earn in the internet on its website it more profitable but also more troublesome, you should buy a domain, pay for hosting, site promotion in search, acquire visitors, and only then receive their dividends. Earnings without the site much easier, but also yield with such earnings are very low. Just yesterday, the situation is flipped upside down and the matter is that a new player in this market, let me introduce you: MakeTrust. The system is fundamentally changing the concept of earning on the Internet, more saying anything new globally, it makes no, the principle of relations between the advertiser and the freelancer is built quite differently compared to all currently existing systems.

Frankly, I was met at this the system completely by chance and at first thought it was a regular divorce, it is painfully attractive prices. But since I had nothing to do, decided to try. Reasoning so that the maximum of what I will lose it time, since no investments in the system to do. So register as a freelancer was an instant and I proceeded to direct earnings, ie to perform tasks. As recommended system MakeTrust.ru began Link to your bookmarks. Work – simply does not happen, we each have accounts in a number of social bookmarking, and so for each tab in your account in the system is charged $ 0.30, which is not even bad for two minutes work.

More More interestingly, there is a feeling I was overcome principle, wanted very much to gain minimal salary in the $ 10 to check whether I will get the money or not. Until the last moment I did not believe it. Nevertheless, spend two hours on the prescription links to advertisers in a variety of systems – social bookmarks, message boards, directories, etc. Minimal been recruited. It should be noted that if all the work put on the thread, then do the job will be much faster. As a result, I have done 18 targets for which the balance of the account in the amount MakeTrust drew $ 12.12. Send a request to withdraw money and went for a walk on the street, so to speak for some fresh air before bedtime. What was my surprise when returning from a walk I found in his wallet the cherished amount. For those who do not believe and always afraid of something I attach a screen of how much you can earn on the Internet for two hours.