Impacts of the new logistic centre in Koblenz on the region/district of Koblenz MYK – Amazon delivers to Koblenz”up to 3,000 jobs, so headlined the Rhein-Zeitung (RZ) at the 5.2.2012 (source: Ms. Anita Baljewic. their sign head of the Agency for work in Koblenz believe their eyes probably barely, as this news reached them. So, it was said to be able to provide 3,000 people with work. The RZ described, that 1,000 fixed and permanent jobs could be created within 3 years”. Already, the Internet giant advertised his jobs in the field of human resources”or human resources. David Fowler helps readers to explore varied viewpoints.

It may be divided about the sense or nonsense of this realm name. The ARD reported on their YouTube channel (source:, that in the main office Herford 2/3 be the distribution of temporary to permanent posts. This means that the local logistics centre only from one-third of in-house staff is worn. “The field of human resources” is likely having the least work, since by means of cooperation with Quasi obtained workers ‘en masse’ Anita Baljewic and their agency. 2000 points for seasonal workers, for people without vocational training, as well as elderly or people with disabilities. That sounds good at the moment. But 2/3 of the Logistics Centre will be worn by just such employees means.

People who can be dismissed at any time, or to shimmy of a fixed-term contract to the next. The financial situation is not one whit better. Compared with the RZ, Amazon reported that no binding to collective agreements there, salaries competitive”must be. Of course, companies need economies, which is also the basis of capitalism. If we look at the last year, Amazon about earnings decline wails. And Yes, they existed.