APPLICATION of the dynamic of group Las Dynamics for groups can be used for various purposes some of the most common applications, are the following: stimulate theoretical learning of the most important concepts of a particular topic. Observe in detail the concepts learned during the theoretical phase. -Control of the efficiency of learning through its demonstration in a real situation. -Awareness of problems decision making them accessible both rational and emotional. Participants transferred and translated the concepts learned in the theoretical session to real situations. Resolve existing conflicts with a more favorable climate for its solution. Be applied to overcome the stagnation of a group.
Analysis of problems. To present patterns of behaviour. The characteristics of the group, said group dynamics, are: an Association of two or more persons. Members are considered as a group, have a collective perception of unit, aware of each other identification. -There is a shared purposes. Members have the same goal. -There is a sense of mutual dependence on the satisfaction of needs.
Members need to help each other to achieve the purposes which met in group. Members can communicate with each other. Principles for the group development are: environment in the meetings: refers to the physical space which must be adapted to the number of members and the way of working of the same. They must be comfortable. Reduction of bullying: should aim to achieve good interpersonal relations, reduce tensions. Distributed leadership: promote that all members put into play their skills and abilities to facilitate the Group process and the achievement of the objective. Formulation of lens to match the interests of the Group: the aim must be chosen by common agreement between all members, never It must be imposed. You must adapt to age, potentialities and possibilities of the members in order to avoid the frustration of members for failure to improper objectives. Flexibility: The group must not be rigid, it must adapt to the changes of external circumstances such as internal. The consensus in the adoption of decisions: all resolutions taken by the group must start from this. The base is full participation in a democratic environment. Understanding of the process to orient or modify the objectives: participants must be aware of how gives the interaction, communication, and productivity, for the purpose of structuring and restructuring situations that favor the Group process. Continuous assessment: the Group should analyze your process and how the proposed purposes, by means of a permanent evaluation are achieving. It is important in all dynamics: Learn about the Group and its characteristics. Know the differences between individual work and the group. Analyzing the phases for the the Group evolves. Know the characteristics of the groups know the structure of the group. Analyze the role of the guia-mediador in the group. Learn about the different group techniques. Know select and apply a group technique.