The end point, the comma, the travesso, the parentheses, the exclamao and interrogation points, the ellipses suggest different inflections, but it in common has the indication of a pause, preceded of fall, suspension or rise of the voice. Given its effective value, beyond logical, the exclusively on syntax, the punctuation does not follow absolute rules, and very varies with the writers, being some more prodigal and other most economic ones with regard to these signals. In the poem it does not have presence of removed signals (! 😉 as well as the agreement (! 😉 this is perceived that it does not have a calling and no critical one, occurs because the poet is a nationalist, proud person, is evident in the 2 verses of estrofe. In line 15 the use of the travesso is for emphasizing ideas and emotions of the author, practical common to the romantic authors. (…) In cismar __ alone, the night, _ More pleasure meeting I My land have palms there, Where the wise person sings. (…) Searching to analyze the nominal and verbal phrases and the times of the verb, we perceive that in the poem person of the singular more frequently appeared the gift of the indicative in 3a, after that opresente of the indicative in 1a person of the singular.

It has the presence of verbs in all the verses, verb is presented in the personal infinitive (to cismar), negative imperative (God does not allow), gift of the subjuntivo (Without qu’ inda sights the palms). It does not have presence of the second person of the singular and the plural one. In first estrofe, verse 1 and 2 individual of the daily pay presents the verbs in 3a. Ind.tem and sings. In verses 3 and feet 4apresentam verbs in 3a. plu.

daily pay. ind. they gorjeiam. In second estrofe in 5 and 7 feet present if 3a. of the singular dopres. they ind.tem they eem 6 and they 8em the plural one; they have. In third estrofe, verses 9 and 10 present the verbs in 1a feet. sing; however the verbal ways and times are different. In verse 9 this in the personal infinitive to cismar, and verse 10, the daily pay. of ind. Meeting. In versos11 and feet 12em 3a. sing. daily pay. ind. they have and sings. It observes that estrofes 9 and 10 combines in person and numbers, verses 11 and 12 in person, numbers, way, time. In fourth estrofe it has a variety in the conjugaes, verses 13,17, 18 present the verb in the third person of sing. daily pay. ind. Verses 15 and 16 present if in 1a person of sing, however in different times and ways. One notices that first and second estrofe presents a relation between verses, in time, way, number, and person. In estrofes 3, 4 and 5, have a variation in this combination, where some verses combine only in number and person, others in way and time and few in time, way, I number and person.