The more common Delegation of obligations seen in the companies is following: Manager to create and to elaborate methods of implantation, maintenance and training, continuously to inform the results to the direction through comparative reports. To make the recycling continues of the forms of if applying the system and periodically carrying through the maintenance of the managing body of the program. Coordinators to guide the collaborators on the importance you practise of them of the tasks of commanded form, to supervise the collaborators to verify if the program this being executed of the form which was passed, to promote the integration of the active and functional collaborators to the program. Agents to guide and to acquire knowledge the colleagues on the importance of if having a clean and safe place to work, to practise the program and to make with that if he fulfills to the goals of the system. Managing body to guide excessively collaborating on the importance and happened benefits of the program 5S, to verify if all are making the tasks in accordance with the considered one and of safe form. Accomplishment of auditorships and fiscalizations in all the physical space of the company periodically and to make to fulfill to the norms and objectives of the company. So that the program 5s functions of efficient form it must be proposal in set with other methods of search the quality, such as, Kaizen, TQC, Kanban among others. 4.0.1 ORGANIZATION CHART OF IMPLANTATION For the development of the program of coherent form must be followed an implantation organization chart which is used by diverse companies.
These stages must gradual be carried through. Figure 2 Imai (1992) 4.1MANUTENO OF the PROGRAM the implantation of the method is not difficult any person can make it in its sector, in its house, either where it will be. What if it becomes of certain complex form is the maintenance that demands the addition of the collective efforts.