Everyone who travels on the World Wide Web at least once thought about what would do well to have a website. One he needed to advertise their business, while another wants to tell the world about its existence, someone has overcome creative itch and just need something such a, and someone wants to improve its ranking in the company of my classmates – the reasons can be very different, but the desire to one. How do you design a website? Offers several ways. For starters, I advise you to test yourself on the websites offering free web hosting. The service Google can help you establish your own blog, on Mail.ru zaimet offered his own "World", etc. Services that provide free services to create websites and blogs on the web are vast.
Why are they free? Because their owners are interested in you. In exchange for free services provided they have free content on their sites and opportunity to place advertisements on your sites. In this or anything wrong with that. You are given a free opportunity to try their hand in the conduct of the site, but they earn. When on a free hosting to become closely, you can register your domain name and buy a place on a paid server.
Beyond that, to establish there any cms system like WordPress or PHP-Fusion and the site is ready. Remains to fill it with unique content, and success is guaranteed. In the If the cms system and you no longer meet their abilities, there remains one solution – to create your site yourself from scratch. To do this, will have to sit for the study: first, html, CSS; for those php and MySQL; then go textual and graphical editors; web-servers, etc. etc. You know it's a learning process is infinite and perfection is no limit, so if you suck, then already a long time.