German farmers to invest more in the future significantly – in particular in renewable energy since 2007 two biogas plants by WELtec commissioned Disna, the locations of new village and Wusteney, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, in the agrarian society. In May 2010, the third biogas plant construction had begun; Commissioning was in July. The fourth WELtec plant is already contracted, and the approval procedure. We saw the bio-gas plants operating at that time as an opportunity as well as arable and forage production, pig production as well as milk and fattening beef production, to tap into a lucrative business and thus also jobs”explains Torsten Zahn, the Managing Director of the agrarian society. “This is true even today, and therefore the energy production will be expanded: biogas is our profitabelster area at the moment and we were no good entrepreneurs, if this branch would not grow”, justified the investments dental.
The new biogas plants integrated in a young cattle plant at the site of Disna are almost identical with the existing: 500 kilowatts of power, a cubic foot of 192 large template container and two fermenters each with 2000 cubic meters. A 4500 cubic metres-large gas-tight end, however, is new. “Then as now convinced us the overall concept of the WELtec BioPower: reduction of necessary technology, which is high quality and functional fitted: a functional block of the pumps, a stable and easy-to-use control and two ignition Jet engines”, Torsten Zahn says. During the start-up phase the responsible of the agrarian society felt well supported. With the biologists by WELtec we voted together the rising feeding (maize silage, pig and cow manure) and the heating up of the plant during the start-up phase.” In addition, WELtec convinced stainless steel with the material used: generously sized stainless steel fermenters, solid-fuel dispenser with stainless steel the entire feed entry as well as a template container made of stainless steel clad, to largely automate the feeding. With a continuous expansion of combined heat and power plants should be even more profitable. In new village, the Melkhaus was already connected last winter to the waste heat from the CHP. There, about ten percent of the accumulating heat are used. In Wusteney currently still no heat is dissipated, the sow stall is to be integrated in the near future but. The third plant conduction that is placed and should with heat in the coming winter in the Office and workshop tract.