The development process occurs naturally and is part of the workflow. It’s enough just to teach coaching skills of managers and give them time to practice their learning. After this process is integrated into the coaching process management, will make it less prescriptive and, thus, more effective. Every person, every employee has great potential. But not always he may discover this potential and to realize.
Widespread today prescriptive management system simply does not allow him to do so. As a result, the employee works at half strength, to lose interest in work and motivation, the emotional satisfaction it is low, and it negatively affects their productivity. Even after the employee has been trained at the training or courses, it often simply is not possible to implement in practice, he obtained new knowledge and skills. This not only reduces his motivation, but also makes the training is essentially useless. The use of coaching helps the fullest potential of each employee to disclose and use it for the organization. And, of course, helps to put into practice all obtained in the process of learning skills. How is the development of staff at the use of coaching? In the process of coaching manager will instruct the employee does not give him guidance.
He asks questions. These questions help employees better understand its task, to look at it from a new perspective, to find the most effective way of solving it, as well as to find all the resources necessary to implement this decision in life. It is important here is that in the process of answering the questions already included in the official process of solving its task, the task is becomes his own. At the same employee often opens a totally new opportunities, resources and quality, which were later used for his work. Thus, an employee in the maximum uses all his knowledge and skill, all their resources. A large role is played here and an emotional component. During the coaching staff is more aware of the situation and requirements management. He assumes responsibility for their actions. In addition, he sees that his own vision of the situation and his opinion is of some importance for the manager. All this naturally motivates a person, which, in turn, positive impact on the productivity of its work. Manager These questions, which he defines in the process of coaching, can clarify for himself how well his staff properly and learned the task, how involved in the process of its solution, as well as find out what you need this employee to be more productive than in what he can to help. Coaching process takes much less time than the detailed instruction, but He is much more efficient. Besides the coaching process enhances the authority of the head in front of his subordinates. Thus, we can say about coaching as an effective interaction between manager and employee To address the challenges they face. Any changes, both internal and external coaching will allow employees to quickly adapt to these changes and find ways to improve its efficiency in new conditions to find the resources to meet the new conditions, to achieve maximum self-realization. Coaching does not replace the education and training, but it is perfectly compatible with them and makes maximum use of their effect on practice. Coaching – is something that allows employees to continue to develop in accordance with the terms dictated by the modern business.