In mid-2010 went into effect the reform of the traffic law that seeks to streamline procedures to good drivers and put it difficult for offenders. This law is the consequence of the changes that have taken place both in legislation on trafficking as in Spanish society. We will remember as three years ago, in 2006, it was also launched the meat system by points which was also a major change in terms of legislation and served to significantly improve road safety in Spanish roads. The new law establishes three types of sanctions ranging from the mild (whose amount shall be 0 a100 euros), severe (200 euros) and the very serious (500 euros). In this way, the law simplifies by both kinds of sanctions by dividing them into those three models and assigning a few well-defined economic amounts so the driver when he commits the offence knows the monetary fine and loss of points that correspond. New legislation also stable a discount on the payment of the fines before the 20 days, which is reduced from 70 to 50% the money to pay. The law also incorporates as a novelty the Vial electronic address, in which the driver can voluntarily sign up, to receive in your mail, or by message on your mobile through SMS notification informing you that you have a fine: This makes it easier to the user to know when you have a fine to pay and streamlines procedures if it wants to appeal a fine.
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