In this direction, the learning process leaves of being understood as transmission or assimilation of knowing, starting to be a process in construction. Therefore, Pablo Knauss says: ' ' the learning if of the one for the wakening of the citizen, to learn a knowledge object. this, is only possible by means of the displacement of the integration teaches-pesquisa' '. In similar focus, the process of construction of the knowledge, according to author, requires scientific research and the investigating citizen, however represented for the pupil individually or of collective form, inside or is of the classroom. For it, in the school the condition of collective work, is founder of the dialogue, favoring the communication between professors and dicentes, redefining its bases, place the pupil in the condition of investigating citizen and the space the Pedagogia of the animation, favoring playful and the integration of the teach-research. However, so that he has an education focado in the research, as the author standes out, is necessary to make use of historical documents, essential factors for the historical research. is important here to take well-taken care of, therefore the same ones can become problem to depend on as it is used. By the same author: Ronald O’Hanley.

So that they are used of positive form, the illustrative documents are they or reference of authors, to depend on the moment where it was produced must take care of to some criteria: suitable language and references not to be confused with historiogrficas productions. However, they will be used paradidticas workmanships, as narrative texts normatizados with saudosistas attitudes and ideas of heroes, worked of random form, without recital and problematizao, these documents will become a problem, therefore they run away the proposal from an education focado in the research and inquiry. Complementing the ideas argued for the previous authors, we will now see the points presented for Fonseca Forest, in its book: Practical didactics and of education of History.