The accounting publishes is the branch that studies and controls the exercise of the government during its management, either it, executive, legislative or judiciary. All federal, state or municipal government, must give to accounts the society through this accounting, even though the candidates to the parliamentary exercise. Academics of the college delta of the course of countable sciences of 1 period Teacher master of the college delta of the course of countable sciences in the substance methodology of the scientific work. SUMMARY The accounting publishes is the branch that the exercise of the government studies and controls during its management, to either it, executive, legislative or judiciary. Municipal federal All, state or government, must give you accounts the society through this accounting, even though the candidates you the parliamentary exercise. 1.INTRODUAO the accounting publishes is defined by taking care of, to control and to demonstrate budgets I contend acts and facts of farm publishes.

It is this area of the accounting that has the duty to analyze the fiscal events and financial municipal theatres, state or federal, that helps to detect problems that affect the civil code. It is on this so minute and delicate subject, that we will go to treat, in discoursing of this article. We will introduce, you analyze of people specialized in the subject and we will argue proposals imposed for people who have years study on this subject, and to each day they discover new routes for a persistence history and fiscal responsibility. 2. ACCOUNTING PUBLISHES Beginning this subject with a citation of (FELGUEIRAS, Jose Antonio 2007) ‘ ‘ The accounting is the science of the information that has as object the patrimony and as objective it controls-lo.’ ‘ With this we prove and we justify the importance of the accounting in the life of the human being.