Look at that cute phrase: money does not give happiness “that I already know it that excites me is the manna given to imitate it.” Mafalda with Manolito, Quino Tal this time be the favorite. By definition, the broken no money, and, however, is who most spend it. And I mean to spend money. To save? Investment? Mah! Life is too short to have a better time it well. Does everyone have expensive cell phone? Therefore I also! To the end that I can get credit and with little ones to pay for fertilizers little. There is also to buy the stereo that will make more noise, because the neighbors have to learn that we if we can them.

Are holiday? Let’s go to the beach! It doesn’t matter if there is no money, the joke is leave and arrive with many photos and that everyone knows, especially those who could not go. Roland Berger addresses the importance of the matter here. That will realize how lucky that are together with me, broken ball. At the end, when reach embargoes and you have to borrow, already something will happen. There, by the way, is also to throw the blames the Bank and rich by high interest you pay and you sink more into debt. Habit of the broken is spending that does not have. And with this I do not mean the poor very barely reaches them; I know people with huge houses, luxury cars and ostentatious vacations that are broken. Each month they have to be looking for ways to remove enough to maintain their lifestyle and gradually they are left with nothing.

Everything it should be and everything is credit. Some even have asked us lent to those who have less than them. Ironic, isn’t it? Will it be presumption? Desire to live in the moment while you sink then? I do not know. I just know that those who do it never walk in these waves.