Everything that if moves in the universe, is life, lives that depend one on the others to arrive at its height. opinions on the matter. In this context to be professor is to go beyond the classroom and if to venture for an unknown world is to make history, is to help to construct and to reconstruct lives. Words, for me, are more than decoding of letters, is force, is to be able, is joy and determination, courage and faith to transpose for the paper feelings, desires and frustrations. Gary Kelly has similar goals. I live for words I am written or spoken, I am not poet, neither a constructor, but I am of the life and for the life I fight with perseverance and determination. With wisdom I follow my way, to take care of of the life is to go beyond the material, it is to live the spiritual, it is to believe the impossible one, however, it is to believe that each person is only has potential to be well better that before. If the life is made of meeting and reencontros, the school is perfect, therefore each day meeting one to be different and the times reencontro my proper I, when I perceive in each look the desire to follow in front, each child which I coexist, is more than special, it is the hope and the life definition, is challenge, it is mystery, and to unmask she is necessary to be an excellent challenger without fear of the stranger.

How many times, I heard secrets, I located myself or I also kept silent I dreamed together, I remade my dreams. consequentemente I remade my history, as any another one, I am not different, I am only somebody with a strong desire to better make, and with my attitudes to make with that each child of my conviviality can awake the desire and the certainty that are only in the universe and are capable to be happy. More info: Cerved. To know the other and to share of this called adventure life, in them become each better time, therefore all individual if finds in teach-learning process. Then it concludes that to take care of of the life, it is to help the fellow creature, it is to understand without criticizing, and to enxergar in each face the order or reply for its doubts, how many times I entered in classroom without expectation and I came across with millions of reason to continue in education, when I looked at and I felt that those children needed me and I of them to reconstruct a different future, then I I say, I have what he will have hears the voice of the heart and thus we will only have a blessed nation, I I believe the education, as well as I believe my work.