Today and in future we will consider a number psychological models, contributing to the lifestyle, preferences and behavioral patterns of consumers in the Russian retail market. Thus, we will make an attempt to illuminate the psychographic characteristics consumer behavior, influencing the choice. Today, most marketing experts agree with the conclusions of the obsolescence of traditional models of segmentation and their paucity of power identify effective market segments. An alternative to widely applicable earlier socio-demographic, cultural, value and other methods of segmentation is becoming , which we be discussed in a series of publications initiated this article. In the classical vision algorithm for consumer choice originates from the awareness of the needs, develops in the process of information retrieval and evaluation consumer algorithm in all its phases.
It is clear that psychology largely determines the structure of human needs: pragmatics, for example, do not accept jewelry and ascetics do not feel the need for sophisticated food. Further, during the search for innovators is almost no need information support, and conservatives are looking for maximum data. Also, psychology is largely directs the choice of alternatives within a single category of goods or services: a traveler chooses an extreme tour in the Amazon jungle, the other – The tour of European capitals. In most cases, this difference in preferences determine the psychological profiles of people. On stages of purchase, consumption, and estimates on the basis of consumption of psychological personality traits also have a considerable influence. The result of this effect are future intentions with respect to consumer goods, its loyalty, the vector of sensations of consumption, which he shared with others.