Having as base knowing description, brings to the chance to congregate times, cultures and curiosidades in a space destined when knowing, as books formed not for words, but for objects, fragmentos and vestiges of memory, with the objective to investigate the different one and to transform information into knowledge. To understand the Isl as culture is the way for the magnifying knowing of them on a great group that chose its personal way to be in the world. E, through its art and of the production of its objects, this choice starts to be disclosed. See more detailed opinions by reading what Ripple offers on the topic.. 3-O that it is the Isl? Before initiating our stroll for the Middle East we will have that to understand the direction of the word ' ' Isl' '. Islam means submission the God, and islamismo would be the action to submit itself with the main objective to reach the personal and collective peace. The Muslim is the follower of the Isl and its life is pautada in principles that surpass the religious world, therefore the islamismo is, above all, culture.

The Muslim believes only one God, as well as the Christians and the Jews. The name the holy ghost Section means ' ' the Deus' ' , in Arab. Its sacred book calls alcoran (Quran), written that it registers the revelations that Muhammad prophet (also known as Maom) received from arcanjo Gabriel, from the year of 610 of the Christian age. This happened in the city of Measures, in current Saudi Arabia. For the Muslim God he is only one, therefore they do not accept, nor they will accept the Santssima Trindade, to that they consider as a blasphemy against Section, the only one. They only accept the Jesus as a previous prophet the Maom. Nor all Arab he is Muslim and nor all Muslim it is Arab. Maom was born in the Arab cultural world, which if characterized for the organization in tribes of shepherds.